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Everything posted by Neil

  1. When is El Classico? Madrid have a tough game at Sevilla tonight but if they can win that, there may be a bit of pressure on Barca, especially since they have CL to worry about as well. And with the derby still to come at the Bernabeu, the title race may not be over just yet. But I have to agree it'll be a footballing travesty if the Harlem Globetrotters don't win La Liga this season.
  2. Not unless the points system has a dramatic overhaul in time for kick-off. But true, to have led with that margin and not win it would be sensationally inept. Is it all down to the departure of Cloughy Jr?
  3. Blackburn are the least likely of the few teams above you to get dragged into it tbh. The 3 teams in big trouble around you have all lost (or will lose), and quite comfortably it seems. On a sidenote, what a shame for Arsenal regarding injuries this year. If Fabregas and Walcott had not been injured long-term, and Arshavin had been there since the start, they could be nearer a flailing title race.
  4. Babatunde, what's the situation in France regarding Marseille? How many games to go, do Lyon look like they'll still sneak the title or do L'OM look like they've got enough? (Marseille are still top, right?)
  5. By God it's got me close to tears -- we were trying to to take top spot, now it's taking fourth through to f***ing seventh. No wonder I hate b****** f***ing c***ing football nowadays. We, at least had some sort of ambition. Uh-oh.
  6. I'm not arguing you didn't get very close to the title indeed back in the day. But you must agree the PL was very different back then, when teams like yourself were in a good position to challenge the very top elite because of the open nature of the league. Of course we don't look close, because of the sheer quality and financial gap between them and us.
  7. If that is true, i'm even more disgusted then i was a few minutes ago. Does anyone remember that particular incident? he actually kicked/tripped up Lennon when he were attacking. It was so cynical, it was actually funny. How did he not get booked?. Ok for sure Webb was corrupt. Not a massive Spurs fan KD, and would hate to see the bin dippers win the title but you were robbed today of a comfortable win - how that was a penalty is beyond me - Ronaldo takes his top off and petunantly kicks Lennon up in the air and only receives a yellow The backlash from Liverpool supporters/ officials/ players will be extreme and rightfully so You now have the makings of a top top side with Redknapp in charge and i would much prefer you to be the team challenging the top 4 than those money rich arabs from moss side Good luck mate Man, a pro spurs post on here? i really don't know how to react, except tell you that your analysis was spot on. Cheers mate :thup:. Thing is KD, you've had the makings of a top 4 a side for a while now. What is there to suggest next season will be your season? Nothing. I never once said we'll break top 4, and i don't think we will. I was agreeing with sicko2ndbest analysis of todays game. Going back to the top 4 talk, i also don't think neither you nor Villa are equipped to break into it, without changes in the summer. Just got to mention a pure fact, the only side that has really threatend what you can even call the "Top 2" in PREMIER LEAGUE history more then once is Newcastle and Blackburn, that pretty much sums it up how hard it is. 1993–1994: 1 Manu, 3 Newcastle 1995–1996: 1 Manu, 2 Newcastle 1996–1997: 1 Manu, 2 Newcastle What does Everton and Villa have? A couple of 4th and then 5-6 placed? is that challenging the "Top 4"? Everton has a 4th spot as their high since 1992, Villa has a 2nd spot (too long time away for me to remember if they really challanged that year), but has any of them threatend for the title since then? never a chance, never close. And what has Tottenham done, f*** s*** thats what! two f***ing 5th spots as their best, jeez. Newcastle from 93 to 97 really threatend the first spot with concistency, the rest is history.... All this talk within the Spurs, Everton and Villa fans talking about taking on the Top 4, just remember you have never and probably never will be as close as us. Back then I don't even think the term "top four" was actually even coined yet, so we didn't actually "break it". But still, good shout. The top 4 never existed back in the day when you were challenging for Man Utd, so your point is completely void. And "Spurs, Everton and Villa will probably never will be as close as us"? Cut down on the bitterness and stop trying to predict the future.
  8. Mess? I call that a damn good, exciting league.
  9. Errm, one full England international? Gareth Barry, Agbonlahor, Ashley Young, Nicky Shorey, Luke Young, Emile Heskey off the top of my head have all played for England. Oh, so has Zat Knight. Milner has been in the full squad, I believe, too. I agree, we're not good enough to break the top four, as the current sourness demonstrates, but I'd suggest Tottenham concentrate on securing breaking the top half of the table before bothering the top four. Disgusts me how Spurs seem to automatically be above you or us in the whole Top 4 debate. Edit: sicko2ndbest, who are "Spurs' full england internationals?"
  10. Can we have that as an auto-post?
  11. Not sure if he was the first, but I know the game you mean. I think it was 2004 (or maybe 2005). Man City away, just scored a goal late on, which gave us a 1-0 win. I don't agree with the rule at all, it's absolutely pathetic in every way possible.
  12. If that is true, i'm even more disgusted then i was a few minutes ago. Does anyone remember that particular incident? he actually kicked/tripped up Lennon when he were attacking. It was so cynical, it was actually funny. How did he not get booked?. Ok for sure Webb was corrupt. Not a massive Spurs fan KD, and would hate to see the bin dippers win the title but you were robbed today of a comfortable win - how that was a penalty is beyond me - Ronaldo takes his top off and petunantly kicks Lennon up in the air and only receives a yellow The backlash from Liverpool supporters/ officials/ players will be extreme and rightfully so You now have the makings of a top top side with Redknapp in charge and i would much prefer you to be the team challenging the top 4 than those money rich arabs from moss side Good luck mate Man, a pro spurs post on here? i really don't know how to react, except tell you that your analysis was spot on. Cheers mate :thup:. Thing is KD, you've had the makings of a top 4 a side for a while now. What is there to suggest next season will be your season?
  13. If that is true, i'm even more disgusted then i was a few minutes ago. Does anyone remember that particular incident? he actually kicked/tripped up Lennon when he were attacking. It was so cynical, it was actually funny. How did he not get booked?. Ok for sure Webb was corrupt. Not a massive Spurs fan KD, and would hate to see the bin dippers win the title but you were robbed today of a comfortable win - how that was a penalty is beyond me - Ronaldo takes his top off and petunantly kicks Lennon up in the air and only receives a yellow The backlash from Liverpool supporters/ officials/ players will be extreme and rightfully so You now have the makings of a top top side with Redknapp in charge and i would much prefer you to be the team challenging the top 4 than those money rich arabs from moss side Good luck mate
  14. Do you think you will put up much of a fight next weekend? At the SOS? Fatigue caught up with us today; as it would with any team after the past week. A week off is what the doctor ordered. Personally I think it'll be a draw.
  15. In fairness if the above actually occurred then he's got a point - Ronaldo yet again getting away with it.
  16. doesn't that kinda sound like Kingdawson in all seriousness Who are you? Anyway, we were super s*** second half. Simply laid down and died. One thing i don't get though, Ronaldo was given a yellow for his blatant kick at lennon, so how didn't he get a second yellow for taking his top off? Answer in bold.
  17. Eh, what happened? Jagielka injured. Didn't look good. Could have happened at a worse time I suppose, I cant see anyone taking 6th off you at this stage. Our league season is over, we're gonna be 6th or maybe 5th. Was more thinking of May 30th. Having Arteta and Yakubu out was bad enough Arteta's not even that good man, he's got nowt on Nicky Butt. Correction; he's got nowt on Geremi. Be serious ffs.
  18. Eh, what happened? Jagielka injured. Didn't look good. Could have happened at a worse time I suppose, I cant see anyone taking 6th off you at this stage. Our league season is over, we're gonna be 6th or maybe 5th. Was more thinking of May 30th. Having Arteta and Yakubu out was bad enough
  19. Eh, what happened? Jagielka injured. Didn't look good.
  20. So thats now our best striker injured, our then best midfielder and best player injured, and our current best player now injured. ffs.
  21. It was introduced after Leicester just took the piss - racked up a load of debts and avoided paying them all off by going into voluntary administration to very little detriment. Various other clubs had dutifully laboured for years paying off those they owed, languishing in lower divisions in the mean time, and Leicester just dodged the whole experience. From what I've read, Southampton could have done exactly the same if they went into administration a week ago. Fair play to Leciester like for recognising it and exploiting it tbh.
  22. Can Greg or someone crack biggs and geordiecunny into the OP? Both of them are looking to play but for some reason aren't on the squad lists.
  23. True, but in football the fans are always made to suffer- their fault or not. But what could be done to the twats respobsible for misrunning the club? Its a tough one. But as someone pointed out in this thread, the distribution in money through English football these days is scandalous! Each year we see more and more clubs scrape by in terms of survival. The amount of money pumped into the Premier League is disgusting, imo. I know this is a much poorer standard of league and supported but I'll use the League of Ireland as an example. Cork City, one of the biggest teams in the country are on the verge of extinction....they have 2 weeks (just under, infact) to come up with €500,000 which is highly unlikely, yet around 3 weeks of Frank Lampards or Cristiano Ronaldo's wages could almost wipe out the debt. I'm sure there are lots of smaller clubs in the lower breaches of English football in the same situation as Cork. The Premiership has f***ed up English football. On the surface there's this 'best league in the world' look and tag to it. There's big stadiums, big crowds, all the biggest players and quick, exciting football. But if you look closer and dig a little deeper, there are clubs suffocating under crippling debts and battling just to stay in existance. rubbish. they just need to borrow more.
  24. He's deadly.... ....when he's given the fucking freedom of Goodison Park to pick out a cross
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