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Everything posted by Neil

  1. And I wonder how vital they could be come 5/6 games time.
  2. How dare you look at the positives.
  3. Neil


    Yes, but if it was Stevie messing about, what would happen? Think they're just using this an excuse to further push the lad out of the club. Well, the point is, no mature person would mess about like this, so the point about Stevie is moot. The guy's just dumb and probably ignorant of the significance of Hillsborough since he's not a local, so maybe the punishment is harsh, but it's still his fault for acting like, as 1878 says, a 12 year old at a school assembly. Of course it's disrespectful behaviour, but I think the fact he really isn't important in terms of their future plans has come into play when the powers-that-be came to deciding how to deal with the matter. Which it shouldn't.
  4. Neil


    He's obviously taking the piss out of that boring ass song. Anyway, what's more disrespectful ? that or........ He's local and stuff, it's ok.
  5. The day I didn't bet and there seems to be a sea of fairly predictable scores. Argh.
  6. Neil


    Yes, but if it was Stevie messing about, what would happen? Think they're just using this an excuse to further push the lad out of the club.
  7. He's been impressive in particular recently. Deserves an England call up if he can get a bit more consistency. Actually tbh he may as well be called up regardless. That free kick last week was just silly.
  8. You going to Wembley mate? I wish I could. Simply couldn't finance it; are you? Yep On a coach from Walton Rd at 8am tomorrow. I've only been once before in '95 but I was too young to appreciate it then so really looking forward to tomorrow. Nice one, should be a cracking atmosphere. Can see the game going all the way tbh. I think it will be a tight game. They'll have some tired legs and some fringe players out, hopefully we'll get a bit of luck and sneak it. Any more word on the glass brothers, Saha and Vaughan? Looks likely it'll be Fellaini and Cahill reunited up top.
  9. You going to Wembley mate? I wish I could. Simply couldn't finance it; are you? Yep On a coach from Walton Rd at 8am tomorrow. I've only been once before in '95 but I was too young to appreciate it then so really looking forward to tomorrow. Nice one, should be a cracking atmosphere. Can see the game going all the way tbh.
  10. You going to Wembley mate? I wish I could. Simply couldn't finance it; are you?
  11. The forum seems similarly empty at the moment.
  12. Re: Sunderland, I don't agree with LeTiss when he said they need 6 points from their next 2 games otherwise they're down. I think even 3 would still give them a good chance, but realistically, getting less than 4 is going to give them a big challenge.
  13. But I'd say 'mind games' is a fairly accurate term. Yes they may start out as just whining on, and most are just that. But some let it get to them, and very much let it get into their mind.
  14. The press equate his extremely impressive trophy cabinet as some sort of evidence that he's able to say what he wants, and that what he says is sensationally amazing wisdom. Fwiw mandakin though, I think Benitez is pathetically arrogant himself. Then again, my opinion is hardly neutral.
  15. Neil


    Apparently a group of fans going to Wembley on Sunday are taking a huge blue banner re: Hillsborough. Will look out for it. Have a feeling a smaller one was at the Villa game.
  16. A tosser winding up an even bigger tosser.
  17. What a foolish assumption. The Velodrome will be rocking tonight. This tie is not over by any means. Marseille shall prevail. This is nothing but a minor road block on the way to Istanbul. That's quite the dynamic stadium.
  18. Neil


    Another reason why Liverpool were bombarding Chelsea's box with crosses was mainly due to the calamity of a keeper that Petr Cech has turned into! I think he caught about one ball all night. And with having someone as good as Fernando Torres on guard to pounce on any lose balls its a good tactic. Yes HTT, ideally what you've suggested is what we should be doing, but we have a mentality of giving it out to Duff and/or Jonas to do something with it. Jonas has probably put a handful of crosses in the box all season, while Duff seems to be scared of looking forward. But actually, Duff assisted Carroll's goal on the weekend with a hopeful punt back into the box! There you go. Another thing we miss is having a Tim Cahill-like player. Someone who takes a gamble and times his runs to perfection. I thought Nolan might of been the answer to our static and ultra-defensive midfield but he's clearly not. At max we only ever have 3 our players in or around the box.....again, at max. Sadly, our idea of 'crossing' from inner field positions is having Harper or a defender hoof it up the pitch towards Shola. The balls are either way off target/too high, or he cant be bothered his fat arse to move....and we just lose the ball again. Remember, his mistakes are all uncharacteristic. Total bullshit. No mate, your post there is bullshit! Andy Gray, Martin Tyler and Jamie Redknapp all have think he's going through a bad patch! Cop on and listen to them, man! True. Just today I climaxed when I heard Macheda's name, and it made me think of the way "Man Utd's academy keeps producing world-class talent". I concluded by agreeing that 2 20 minute cameos is enough evidence to make such a claim. [itv]GERRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :fwap: :fwap: :fwap:[/itv]
  19. Neil


    Another reason why Liverpool were bombarding Chelsea's box with crosses was mainly due to the calamity of a keeper that Petr Cech has turned into! I think he caught about one ball all night. And with having someone as good as Fernando Torres on guard to pounce on any lose balls its a good tactic. Yes HTT, ideally what you've suggested is what we should be doing, but we have a mentality of giving it out to Duff and/or Jonas to do something with it. Jonas has probably put a handful of crosses in the box all season, while Duff seems to be scared of looking forward. But actually, Duff assisted Carroll's goal on the weekend with a hopeful punt back into the box! There you go. Another thing we miss is having a Tim Cahill-like player. Someone who takes a gamble and times his runs to perfection. I thought Nolan might of been the answer to our static and ultra-defensive midfield but he's clearly not. At max we only ever have 3 our players in or around the box.....again, at max. Sadly, our idea of 'crossing' from inner field positions is having Harper or a defender hoof it up the pitch towards Shola. The balls are either way off target/too high, or he cant be bothered his fat arse to move....and we just lose the ball again. Remember, his mistakes are all uncharacteristic. Total bullshit.
  20. Lies, lies, and more liens. DD: Just do what my mate did when we went paintballing, and leave your phone in your pocket.
  21. Sorry mate, no can do on the names front. Mine's a well guarded secret.
  22. Neil


    JFT96 :clap:
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