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Everything posted by Steggy

  1. Gillingham are evens to beat Chesterfield, and they've got 9 points from 3 games so far. Do it.
  2. I bet he's having a celebration wank right now. Surely. He must be.
  3. Fair play to this guy man. Really is living the dream of every kid. Playing for your hometown club at 17. The sort of shit i used to (and still do) fantasise about.
  4. I'd start Campbell tbh. Throw him in at the deep end, it'd be good for him and if you were in his position you'd fucking love it to be told you're starting by Pards. Would show he trusts you and boost your confidence big time.
  5. So many people, literally so many people would swap their lives to be in his position, but he's cunting it away like the fucking retard that he is, so he looks cool to his dickhead gangster homies or whatever. I have no sympathy for him whatsoever, no understanding of the way he behaves whatsoever, he has had SO many chances but doesn't seem to give a fuck. He's 21 for fucks sake, not 17 or something where he might still be able to act like a bit of a cunt and have not really realised the situation he's in. I genuinely have SO much hate for this complete motherfuck of a waster mega cunt.
  6. Anybody know if their fans are crazy fucking ultra weirdo cunts who'll try and kill us? Will probably affect whether i go.
  7. Steggy

    NUFC Kits

    its such a body fitter
  8. Needs to be fucking killed.
  9. Birmingham to win the championship at 22/1
  10. i'd be fucking baffled and pissed off if we sign him for anymore than 10mill
  11. Bigi looks good. Hope he gets loads of cup game time this year.
  12. Bigi smalls looks like he can tackle. And fairly tidy in possession too.
  13. Decent idea on loan tbh. See if he can take up where he left off, if he can, BAM! we'll have him for 5 mill, and the tossers of LFC will have been well and truly shafted. If he can't and he's still shite, no problem, he can fuck off back too LFC, and the tossers of LFC will still have been well and truly shafted.
  14. That samoa shit still hurts. Can't believe i fell into Hans' trap
  15. Steggy


    Maybe it was to attract the people like yourself who have eyes too close together, looks fine to me... That's probably because your eyes are too close together, marra, have you even looked ? Could be like, but I recently went to the opticians and have 20/20 vision yer knars. SAFC, class from the top of the club, right down through to the eyesight of the fans.
  16. Steggy


    I give it a week before he loses the plot and ties himself to the tyne bridge shouting 'CATS FOR MEE LYK YEW MAG KERNTS'
  17. Deleted all my betting accounts. Just seem to be losing money. Only gonna be betting at the shop from now on and only tiny accumulators for like a quid
  18. given up on this shite. gonna try and follow on here
  19. how can you be so sure of tickets for chelsea away? I know a seasonticket holder who buys the tickets for me. cool. get me one
  20. how can you be so sure of tickets for chelsea away?
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