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Everything posted by ponsaelius

  1. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He'll come to us. See now we've got somebody saying that too!!!
  2. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Kaiz that is fucking genius I thought I'd got bored of them but that was perfect!! :lol:
  3. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    German press latched onto the story yet?
  4. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Which story in which paper? I thought it was just on that website. Did I miss a post? Whey website sorry aye. Just assumed was the website for one of France's sports papers.
  5. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Why the fuck would a reliable (seems that way throughout this saga) paper make up such an intricate story. Fair enough if it was just a little paragraph or something then yeah, but not the main headline and not with that much depth.
  6. Would rather we got someone more attack minded. Ben Arfa from Marseille is canny.
  7. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Fucking exactly. It was ridiculous we hadn't got what we needed by the first game tbh.
  8. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Has Taylor27 been in yet to say it's good we're missing out on this Satan child?
  9. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Has this filtered through to any other media outlets yet?
  10. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Honestly. We'll get some Leon Best style panic buys right in the end, failing to improve the team and we'll go down. Hate to be so reactionary but if we can't cough up the cash for this relative bargain then we're really going to be scraping the barrel at the end of the day.
  11. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    They're fucking celebrating on that bastard forum.
  12. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    With Ozil leaving he'll have his position in the team guarenteed by them aswell. Basically the one bargaining chip we had.
  13. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    It's just fucking shit. We wont have fuck all lined up to replace him either. Absolute embarrasement, fucking talented player begging to come here and we pass it up. Fucking gutted tbh.
  14. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Fucking embarassing.
  15. Reckon they'll pull it back second half now. That nervousness seemed to go away after the goal.
  16. Here, these knife weilding neutrals are playing alright like.
  17. Their fans sound well up for this like.
  18. Kezman your man Quaresma has been tearing s*** up since he went to Beskitas. As soon as he goes back to a mid-level club again he suddenly becomes amazing. Just don't think he can cope with being a small fish in a big pond.
  19. ponsaelius

    Jonas Gutierrez

    He runs like a bloody workmule ffs. He's a blunt weapon going forward but his stamina is ridiculous, you're completely underselling him here. We were lost with our laborius midfield when he didn't play.
  20. ponsaelius

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Probably gonna end up sounding like Ronaldo here but I'm starting to wonder if you lot watched the same Damien Duff at Newcastle that I did. He was incredibly infuriating and mind-numbingly dull. Jonas is one of the few exciting players we have in the squad.
  21. ponsaelius

    Jonas Gutierrez

    Jonas probably covered more miles last season than the rest of our midfield and attack put together.
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