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Everything posted by ponsaelius

  1. Pretty sure I read twitchy wanted something like £7 million for Hutton.
  2. I think Odemwingie is very decent.
  3. We don't have a pot to piss in and Blackburn are gonna get £100 million to spend. FML.
  4. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He's not old enough for Milan anyway.
  5. 6-0 was an awful day, missed the first half because I was spewing up my guts and got to my seat for the second half only to see us concede 6. Ah aye and I got twatted in the back of the head by some mid-fourties Manc outside the ground. That was pleasant.
  6. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He'd sit on Milan's bench though, what would be the point for him?
  7. Just had a deeks on RTG and Redcafe, funny the difference of opinions. Mackems calling Carroll worse than shite and that he's a 'Championship plodder', yet the Manure fans all seemed to rate him and we're pretty impressed. Red and white tinted specs or what.
  8. Carroll was running onto his own fucking flick ons because Nolan is so bloody immobile. Fucking waste of time.
  9. Nolan was comfortably our worst player ffs. What did he do? Atleast Perch had a respectable 2nd half and Smith was actively involved in the game.
  10. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Haha, I knew what a trequartista was before this years edition of FM The problem with Nolan playing there is he doesn't have the vision and creativity to be a foot on the ball, archetypal #10 but he also doesn't have the pace or directness to be a more attacking second striker. He's basically just a complete waste in that position. The thing is he's proven out of his depth in central midfield aswell, I do wonder what use he's going to be at all this season tbh
  11. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I think everybody on here knew how shit Nolan was gonna be in this division.
  12. Derbyshire would have been a good signing for us.
  13. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Get this fucker now.
  14. Get a decent foil for Carroll and I think we've got a real player on our hands there. Fighting a lone battle today and yet was still excellent, so give him some help and he'll do great. Even with Shola alongside him we instantly improved. Hughton just has to realise Nolan cannot cut it at this level, and especially not as a fucking trequartista. Please Ashley, get us Ben Arfa and get us a striker at the bare fucking minimum. A RB and a new midfield would be canny aswell though
  15. Oh and Nolan shouldn't be anywhere near this match. We need legs in that position, desperately.
  16. This gonna be embarassing in the 2nd half lads. Perch is a fucking joke. So out of his depth.
  17. Nervous butterflies beginning. God I'm so worried yet excited, COMMEEEE ONNN!!!!
  18. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Speedy resolution is good, get him in for Villa pleeeaasse.
  19. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Come on nobody knows the true finances of the club, really. None of you know what our income is, what our spending is and it's importance to the financial situation of the club. It's all a big mystery and even if you were told the figures I doubt anybody on here could make head nor tail of it all. I reckon we could spend £4 million on a player without completely crippling the club though. But that's just a hunch.
  20. ponsaelius

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Yep. If the rumours are true it seems Hughton wants to make him the creative fulcrum of the team, very promising in this case that he sees exactly what we are lacking.
  21. I'd take him ahead of nothing, but it would be fairly underwhelming.
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