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Everything posted by ponsaelius

  1. Whey it works but it's a piece of shit. Jonas having a laugh and then messes up the cross.
  2. BBC Radio 5 live sports extra is unavailable at this time. Fuck this shit.
  3. Anar, it aint even funny. Shame for her tbh.
  4. If Smith scores I have full confidence in the world imploding on itself shortly afterwards. That wouldn't be too tremendous.
  5. So that's De Jong, Kompany and Boateng now that they've raided Hamburg for.
  6. Dunno where Everton play him but he's always struck me as more of a 10 than an 11 when playing for Russia. Aye he played in the centre alot for Lokomotiv apparently so maybe that's more his natural position, but he's certainly played wide every time I've seen him for Everton.
  7. When I've seen Bily (probs easier) I actually tend to think pace is something he lacks? Great technique in shooting and crossing but I thought his ability to take players on or run with the ball at great speed was holding him back.
  8. http://community.footballpools.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/sir-alex-ferguson-thumbs-up-200.jpg
  9. Aye all those many Italians that played in that game for Inter. Or are you implying something far more sinister?
  10. I think they got stung by Emnes though and are unlucky with both. Alves was a gamble, a quick check of his Wiki shows he's scored 14 in 11 for his new team. Emnes had played at all Dutch national levels, so on paper you'd think a good investment, if not a bit pricey. Much like Didier Digard tbh. Aye looking at Alves' Wiki, looks like the original team he joined didn't think he was up to much (3 in 15) and now they've loaned him out to a team doing worse in the league and he's scored 14 in 11. Gutter. At the end of the day though they were both risks that flopped badly, so whoever did the scouting/negotiating should get flak for it. Apparently they got £7 million back for Alves though, so that's not too bad.
  11. Whoever did Boro's scouting in Holland did a good job like. £15 million down the pan on two complete duds.
  12. Still remember the sitter Emnes missed at St James' last season. He looked turbowank that game aswell.
  13. Cheers. They'll go for mental prices if they get sold by touts etc wont they? There's a chance we'll be going to Barcelona for that week if things go as planned. Could go the Xerez game I guess, but the chances are half the team will be rested for the Champions League - bit of a dissapointment. I've wanted to go to the Nou Camp for years so it'll be a kick in the balls if the rest of the family do decide to go that week, will try to persuade them to wait until a better fixture because for me the football would have been the best bit of the trip.
  14. VI, am I right in thinking getting tickets for the Champions League Semi at the Nou Camp will be pretty much impossible?
  15. Cracking performance from Manuel Fernandes.
  16. http://img.moronail.net/img/8/0/2780.jpg
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