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Everything posted by Frazzle

  1. How many 'bad days' have we had in the last few years? Fuck me, look at the bigger picture ffs. It plain to see why people are annoyed.
  2. You been watching the game at all? Have I been watching the game? Is this the game, away from home, against a better side that we are down to ten men in? I think people are more angry at the bigger picture. Our defence is s***, has lots of deadwood and badly needs another two or three quality signings. If we had fixed that we maybe doing better right now. The fear is we won't do it this window too, so months of seeing this s**** keep going. Exactly.
  3. You been watching the game at all? Have I been watching the game? Is this the game, away from home, against a better side that we are down to ten men in? The fact that Swansea, a team who were in the 4th tier in 2004, are the 'better side' should tell you why people in general are pissed off.
  4. The start of a new cycle. A couple of desperately needed signings for average fees convinces everyone that we want sporting success. Then everyone realises (once again) we have no desire to do anything but tread water. The anger grows over the course of the season so that in the last few games the anger is finally manifested. Summer then begins and everything is forgotten because its a new season and we have to give everyone a clean slate.
  5. Given that he's been given the number 3, I imagine dummett is the 1st voice cb
  6. With regard to Pastore, he's pretty much been PSG's best player over the last year and a bit. He had a good first season at PSG as well although he did have a bit of a dip after that first season.
  7. You can hold them against him in the same way that he is free to have them. Despite Disco's sarcastic remark, I think there is an element of hypocrisy in what he does. What I meant was, if someone has a moral objection then they have to do something about it. I can't object to that. As far as I'm aware you don't need to swear allegiance to the Queen to work in England, so I'm not sure where the hypocrisy could be. What is the meaning of his protest then? He's protesting against the historical actions of a country but then saying well I'm happy to live in it in its current state. It just seems a weird protest considering he seems to have accepted that it is a bad part of history which isn't repeating itself, in the same way. I don't want to get all flippant, and accept that the events in questions are in living memory, but no-one turns their back to the Germans during national anthems etc. Like I say, I understand that could be construed as flippant but the principle is the same isn't it?
  8. Despite the next team being an MLS team, we're only playing their B team iirc. We couldn't organise a pre-season if our lives depended on it.
  9. You can hold them against him in the same way that he is free to have them. Despite Disco's sarcastic remark, I think there is an element of hypocrisy in what he does.
  10. Sunderland and palace are paying around 10m for players this summer, anyone who doesn't is asking for relegation. We're still not doing much above the bare minimum
  11. Yeah that's great and all that, but £50m? I think £50m is too much for Sterling personally but I don't think its that mental. I think £35m or something is reasonable. There'll always be comparisons to make it look stupid but there's also the likes of Carroll and Torres etc. which make it look fine.
  12. 40m is stupid for sterling. Never mind 50. Ozil, Di Maria and Sanchez cost less. Di Maria didn't I don't think. People pay more for English players because they need them (CL quotas etc.). Barca will pay much more for Koke etc. if they buy him than they did for Rakitic for similar reasons.
  13. I'm joking man. Fair enough. A lot aren't though.
  14. This forum seems to be living in the past when it comes to transfer fees. They've gone up, get over it. Players go for more than 15m these days whether we pay it or not.
  15. Frazzle

    Steve McClaren

    It doesn't make the blind bit of difference who the manager is, hoping a manager will lead us yo glory while working under Ashley is just wrong
  16. Frazzle

    John Carver

    Opt against making immediate decision = carver 'announced' later in the summer
  17. He already does. Were Tenerife a game away from winning La Liga last year? What difference does it make? The had goals to achieve and Perez could've helped them. I don't see how Sterling is obligated to stay with Liverpool because he helped the club come close to the title. I don't see how its different to Suarez leaving. Fact of the matter is, with or without Sterling, Liverpool aren't going to challenge for the title in the next couple of years IMO and probably Sterling's opinion. There's loads of Liverpool fans who even think they aren't showing enough ambition, rightly or wrongly. Like I've said, someone will have to explain the circumstances when Sterling can leave. If Liverpool finish 10th in the next two seasons will he have everyone's blessing to leave? And the 'top teams' was in reference to Dave, who said himself there's a status quo of 2-3 teams.
  18. A step up for Sterling only leaves 2-3 clubs though. I could be wrong but I can't see him going to sit on the bench at Man City etc., maybe he is maintaining the status quo by keeping Man City a top club but he'd be doing it with his talent on the pitch. Someone has to play for the top teams. Our squad is littered with players who could've stuck with their clubs instead of taking the first ticket the the PL gravy train. Should we call Perez a twat for that?
  19. The last paragraph could equally apply to Suarez, irrespective of how much more he contributed.
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