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Everything posted by prefabtoon

  1. How does letting the club be relegated protect his asset though? The clubs not going to be sold for 300m so no assets to protect.
  2. This takeover has obviously no legs left, otherwise the fatman would have replaced Bruce by now. He will always protect his 300m asset so no take over. and we are stuck with the mighty Bruce.
  3. Southampton. Won 1 in their last 9 league games. Scored 2 goals in the last 8. Not scored an away goal in their last 3. Lost the last 4 on the bounce. Have an injury and suspension crisis. Lost the last game 9-0. But the bookies still make Southampton favourites to win. cant work that out.
  4. To sum up we got the win today due to new manager bounce. why is Bruce still here.
  5. Think some on here need to give Hayden a bit more credit, he did well to drag himself on the field today after covid hit him hard. and he still put a shift in today. More than some.
  6. prefabtoon


    Looks like Sunderland are going to be stuck in mediocrity for the foreseeable future. CLUBS in League One and League Two have been BANNED from paying transfer fees in January under the terms of their £250million bailout from the Premier League. Top-flight officials have been locked in talks with the EFL for weeks in a bid to negotiate a bailout. https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/football/13380033/league-one-two-banned-transfer-fees-pl-bailout/
  7. prefabtoon


    You know this from? Ashley wont allow his judgment to be questioned, Ashley's way of thinking is he is bound to come good sooner or later. If Bruce wasn't under orders he would have lent him out or sold him to get his wages of our books. He is just a passenger we cannot afford to have on the field. No orders.
  8. prefabtoon


    Bruce is under orders from Ashley to play Joe linton. he was Bought by Ashley and Bruce is under orders to pencil him in every week.
  9. west ham forum quote. Suddenly Carroll can now manage full games it could only happen to us Looked twice as fit as he did with us...funny that. Glad he found it so funny tonight after rinsing us for millions. Priceless.
  10. prefabtoon


    "I’m sorry, Newcastle fans, but you honestly don’t know you’re born. Mike Ashley has re-established your lot as a comfortable mid-table Premier League side. No one is claiming that he’s a saint - or even a respectable person in any way or form - but none of you can deny that he has contributed enough from his own pocket to maintain Newcastle’s reputation as a financially stable top flight outfit, with access to a war chest that will allow them to compete at the top level." Join us for another game of Mike Ashley NUFC Ownership Bullshit Bingo I'm glad after 13 years of solid investment and dedication from Mike we have progressed from finishing 13th on 43 points and scoring 38 goals in 2007 to finishing 13th on 44 points and scoring 38 goals in 2020. Thats Progress 1 point extra in 13 years, so on a base line of 100 points to win the premier league it should happen around the year 2784
  11. https://www.themag.co.uk/2020/07/newcastle-united-takeover-china-concentration-camps-and-where-the-premier-league-went-wrong/ opens your eyes to whats going on in china, as AlexStLeger said it makes Mohammed bin Salman look like Mother Teresa Newcastle United takeover – China, Concentration Camps, and Where the Premier League Went Wrong Let’s not talk about the Newcastle United takeover. For a minute. Please. Let’s talk about something the Premier League doesn’t want us to talk about: Southampton and Wolves. Let’s talk about their Chinese owners and the crimes against humanity the Premier League would like us to forget about. The world is captivated by the plight of the Chinese Uyghurs, a predominantly Muslim ethnic minority that inhabits the province of Xinjiang, on China’s western border. Since 2017, the Chinese Communist Party has been conducting a ruthless genocide of the Uyghur population. Rounding up Uyghurs and holding them in concentration camps, the Uyghurs are subject to the most horrid of human experiments. Firsthand accounts describe Uyghur women being given injections “until she stopped having her period, and kicked repeatedly in the lower stomach”, being “force-fed birth control pills” and “injected with fluids”. Most horrifyingly, an eyewitness account details Chinese authorities “inserting an electric vacuum into one woman’s womb and sucking her fetus out of her body.” The genocide is being implemented thanks to significant activity by the People’s Armed Police (PAP). They are described as a “paramilitary force responsible for riots, disruptions, serious violent crimes, and terrorist attacks”. A report in the prominent American publication Foreign Policy stated that “the People’s Armed Police, not the army itself, is the sharp edge of daily repression on the mainland”. It later claimed that “the paramilitary PAP actually does much of the dirty work domestically in clamping down on internal dissent.” How does any of this relate to the Premier League and the Newcastle United takeover in particular? A South China Morning Post report from 2019 reveals something spectacularly slimy. In his pursuit of Southampton, Mr. Gao had prepared a bid for the club using his sport investment vehicle, Lander Sports. However, his bid was blocked. Mr. Gao failed the “fit and proper person” test. His paramilitary record was not at fault, but rather the multiple corruption cases leveled against him in China. This did not deter Mr. Gao. Using a team of elite corporate lawyers, he registered “Lander UK” with Companies House in London, and hatched a scheme centering around his daughter, Nelly, to blatantly skirt Premier League oversight on his way to an 80% stake in Southampton for around £210 million. You should know about Mr. Gao Jisheng, the Chinese chairman of Southampton. A billionaire who made his fortune during the Chinese real-estate boom of the 1990s, Mr. Gao is himself a decorated veteran of the PAP. His penchant for lawlessness, doubtless a product of his PAP upbringing, is something he brought to England. A South China Morning Post report from 2019 reveals something spectacularly slimy. In his pursuit of Southampton, Mr. Gao had prepared a bid for the club using his sport investment vehicle, Lander Sports. However, his bid was blocked. Mr. Gao failed the “fit and proper person” test. His paramilitary record was not at fault, but rather the multiple corruption cases leveled against him in China. This did not deter Mr. Gao. Using a team of elite corporate lawyers, he registered “Lander UK” with Companies House in London, and hatched a scheme centering around his daughter, Nelly, to blatantly skirt Premier League oversight on his way to an 80% stake in Southampton for around £210 million. This should flabbergast anyone following the Newcastle United takeover saga. What blatant disregard for institutional ethics. Can you imagine if that was Newcastle? Someone on Mars would be able to hear the fit that the Guardian would throw. Now, Wolves. The majority stakeholder of Wolves is Chinese conglomerate Fosun International. Chaired by Guo Guangchang, one of China’s richest men, Fosun holds investments in sectors ranging from gold mining to luxury fashion. After being detained by Chinese authorities for conducting investments without government sanction, Mr. Guo remarked in 2018 that “Our overseas investments are approved by the Chinese government.” Michael Hirson, director of the Eurasia Group, said that his detention was a warning shot to show “how serious President Xi is about loyalty to him and his agenda.” This setup carries an inherent risk: that any club activity at Wolves is directly related to the advancement of Chinese Communist Party policy. Fraser Howie, an expert on Chinese financial markets, stated that: “When you’re dealing with Chinese companies, you have to be aware of the potential political pressures. The issue is how the deals are funded, and whether they fit into state aims and can be said to be benefiting the country.” As for Newcastle? The Chinese government’s smorgasbord of deceptive, bloody, and corrupt activity makes Mohammed bin Salman look like Mother Teresa. Whether it be the construction and militarisation of artificial islands in the South China Sea or their crushing of the One Country-Two Systems mandate in Hong Kong, this corrupt regime’s aversion to any sort of ethical norm has no place in the game we love. For Richard Masters and the Premier League, their complicity is damning. The scrutiny of our prospective owners, both public and private, is important. But in their consideration of the Public Investment Fund’s takeover, the Premier League cannot claim any sort of moral pedestal without acknowledging a glaring double-standard on China. If practitioners of genocide are allowed to run the clubs we love, why can’t the Saudis have their chance? The days and weeks ahead contain many questions and few answers. But make no mistake: any rejection of this Newcastle United takeover will not be on any moral or ethical grounds. That ship has long since sailed. They can’t really think we’re that stupid. Alexander St. Leger is a Newcastle fan from the United States and you can follow him on Twitter at @AlexStLeger
  12. It may be poorly thought out guess work however, what they are saying would make sense of this whole mess. Why would they suddenly call a halt on the broadcast deal they had. It Would be suicidal of them to jeopardise the approval of the premier league. To me they have had there heads together with the premier league on how they could get out of the contract with Qatar, and render them with no legal say over the takeover. job done.
  13. The latest actions by the saudia arabia goverment seem to make sense now. https://www.themag.co.uk/2020/07/in-the-last-throes-of-this-newcastle-united-takeover-with-now-all-hurdles-removed/ So here we now are. The two criteria, pointed out at the time, standing in the way were, the points total for Premier League Survival and the ongoing geopolitical war of words over Piracy. The first hurdle was passed with time to spare and in hindsight, it would seem that triggered the next phase of the takeover. The biggest hurdle being Piracy, was dealt with by passing anti-piracy laws within the KSA, this move satisfied the WTO who in a letter passed to the Premier League, give the thumbs up to KSA. It did not however satisfy Qatar, they continued with their rhetoric and left with few options open to them, effectively threatened to sue the Premier League should the takeover go through. In what I believe to be a legal master stroke that hurdle has now been removed. BeIN Sports have now being held to have broken the competition laws in the KSA, the result of which is they have had their rights to broadcast in the country removed. This is good news on two fronts as far as the Newcastle United takeover is concerned. Firstly, they now have no legal say over the takeover since they now have no involvement in the KSA. Secondly, and more importantly, they have broken the law in another sovereign tate so cannot now take legal action against the Premier League. The case would be thrown out since it is they who have transgressed legally in all of this. We are therefore in the last throes of this Newcastle United takeover with now all hurdles removed. It only remains to say over to you Premier League, let’s get this over the line.
  14. What I know for a fact is, that we're one day closer to this ending.
  15. Think people on here need to take a break from this thread, its not going to happen until masters is satisfied he is not opening a legal can of worms by allowing or denying the takeover, No urgency really with the transfer window being pushed back a month to start on Sunday July 26th.
  16. Looks like Saudi Arabia’s minister of commerce, Dr. Majid Bin Abdullah Al Qasabi. has put his foot right in it. In regards to they just had to send an email, Hope the minister of commerce isn't going to visit the Saudi consulate any time soon.
  17. Think the takeover has stalled, so stuck between the in and out tray at the premier leagues office.
  18. Jesus christ Im sorry but this makes a lot of sense obvious the premier league have been looking for a way out since the start.
  19. https://www.footballinsider247.com/exclusive-huge-mike-ashley-claim-from-kevin-phillips-after-skys-newcastle-takeover-update/
  20. Reports that Ashley is ready to accept the 350m offered and I think the premier league will not stop this. its the way out they have been looking for.
  21. So where will Staveley get her 10% from if she losses the Barclays case .
  22. Im Surprised at the tears thought she was a hard boardroom ready to fight to the last type.
  23. So its a no deal then lets move on guys life is too short over to you mike and brucie.
  24. Richard Masters. Quote I Don't Think Timing Is An Issue Here. The premier League will not be rushed into making a decision about the takeover. Just ties in nicely with TheMag Are Premier League Still Playing for time, On Newcastle takeover. They maybe haven't found any red flags. But they are desperate to do so. They are Still hoping one of the Buyer or Seller pulls out. Or the WTO report finds some damming evidence. When it publishes it's report on the 15th June. The takeover has just been a total witch hunt. by the media, the government, and Quatar who have an awfull lot to loose if this gets passed.
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