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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. You're all over every thread talking absolute shit, getting a bite every couple of weeks isn't obsession on the part of people who do it. Anyway I hope Palace get mauled in the final.
  2. What a load of bollocks. Been through this about him being a bellend on here many many times and can't be arsed to go over it again. I have a pop every now and again to get it out me system and move on, the end. The guy's an utter plank who makes the forum unreadable at times, think that's a fair deal.
  3. Same, other than the odd fully deserved pop now and again. Soz like.
  4. 1998 My 1st league game. I was at that one as well. Atmosphere was poisonous as it was just after the story about Hall and Shepherd calling North East women dogs and all the rest of it.
  5. Pardew/TCD are going to be utterly insufferable cunts in the run-up to this, I see the latter has already got started.
  6. As long as Stifler's about to post videos after this one, I'm easy.
  7. Such an insecure little bellend.
  8. He's definitely lost his shit completely, if that statement is anything to go by.
  9. I agree, you can point at them being 3rd in the table all you like but it's all relative. The fact is they've made no progress on the pitch in over a decade.
  10. rafas face on each member of a royal family picture
  11. You must frequently forget about it then remember it all again, at your age Mick.
  12. Thought he was Dead Evans when I saw the bump.
  13. Waiting for everyone to criticise Sissoko for this...despite no quotes from him whatsoever in the article. That doesn't really work since what people criticise him for are actual quotes saying he wants away, that appear in articles quite regularly He never actually says he wants to leave, he says that he wants to play in the Champions League in the future but is happy here. Its the frequency of the interviews that is annoying, not the content Well yeah, the fact that he's saying he wants to play in the champions league every couple of months when we're invariably in the bottom 5 is a bit of a hint that he's not on about doing it with us.
  14. Waiting for everyone to criticise Sissoko for this...despite no quotes from him whatsoever in the article. That doesn't really work since what people criticise him for are actual quotes saying he wants away, that appear in articles quite regularly
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