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🗡️ 2025 Loser
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Everything posted by Interpolic

  1. This, it's one of my main interests alongside music and cinema but that's all it is really now - an interest. This forum's become the best thing about NUFC. Still enjoy the odd away match just for a chance to get pissed with me mates. Haven't been to SJP for fucking ages though and don't really feel the need.
  2. How fucking long did it take Armstrong to get on the pitch there man FFS? Presumed he was already on and I missed it.
  3. Been absolutely fucking listless this like, even by our standards. We've created nothing.
  4. As ever the time's just ticking by with us creating the square root of fuck-all. mackems so comfortable here.
  5. Need to be careful Catts doesn't start dictating the play here like.
  6. Interpolic


    :lol: I don't actually hate the mackems as much as most as I think that although they're clearly inferior to us as people and football fans and individuals that wouldn't consider fucking their sisters (soz, it's all jokes) all North East football fans have a shit deal and they all deserve better for their commitment. Even Boro's fans aren't bad. But that's fucking pathetic like, seriously embarrassing. Imagine wanting to be liked / relevant that much. We just are relevant, we don't need football friends.
  7. Interpolic


    Do we have any football friends? Plymouth at a push?
  8. Football teams changing the colour of their shorts or socks. Like Man Utd and their socks and Spurs/England with their shorts.
  9. They're very different types of player, wouldn't you say?
  10. I just think Robben was a more exciting player at that age, I find Hazard a bit functional in comparison to when Robben burst on to the scene. I'm not saying Hazard's not a very good player but it's just my personal preference in players I suppose.
  11. I just don't get Eden Hazard like, don't understand the hype. Compared to someone like Robben he's just a really dull player to watch IMO.
  12. Interpolic

    John Carver

    Cattermole's basically marginally more talented than Vinnie Jones was, and the monkey in a tracksuit that sits in our dugout is cacking himself. What a fucking drip.
  13. Would be happy enough with that from the options available. Potentially Anita ahead of Abeid, who looked bereft of confidence last time I saw him play but would just be happy not to see Gouffran on the team sheet tbh There's not a hope Gouffran won't start.
  14. Interpolic

    John Carver

    Will always respect him for packing it in rather than waiting for his compensation. An honourable man as you say, even if he tried to ostracise our 2 best players.
  15. Interpolic

    John Carver

    I love listening to him talk about football, it's just a pity he couldn't carry his good points into management. Same as Souness. Clearly has quite a bright footballing mind but can't see past his own ego and translate that to management. Different styles like but when you listen to either of them talk you'd think they'd be good managers.
  16. Interpolic

    John Carver

    Erm, that doesn't sound like a good idea. One of the best players of all time but a fucking shite manager.
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