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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Liverpool with their banger and now the Spurs incidend this weekend. don't see why they've suddenly become so popular.
  2. I think name changing would be the final straw, I'd probably go and support one of the other clubs nearby (blyth or Gateshead etc) if that happened, although actually, if it did happen, i would their would be a new club formed in Newcastle, similar to the FC United thing.
  3. Seriously? a 2-2 draw made up for our worst home defeat in your lifetime? (I'm going to assume your not ancient)
  4. Yep, same thing happened with the Man U game, they well deserved a point and untill the goal they were by far the better team, you would of thought Man U dominated based on MOTD though.
  5. Fingers crossed it stays like that for a few more games!
  6. Those goals man, footballing porn right there
  7. thought the law specifically says a keeper bouncing the ball still counts as it being in his control?
  8. Their tickets certainly have been.
  9. I like the look of Osasuna's ground, looks like a good version of QPR's shit ground.
  10. Tiote was still coming back into position after being hurt as well when he was playing him onside, is there anything in the rule about a defender being considered 'inactive' during an offside decision like there is for attacking players? I assume not.
  11. Expect us to lose, but it's always good to have club football back again.
  12. Cabaye floating them to nobody. Nobody is a bit harsh like... Usually he hits the first defender with remarkable consistency.
  13. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view4/1373407/alan-partridge-shrug-o.gif
  14. time to finally see Gerrard and Lampard together.
  15. Carlton Cole rejoins West Ham United on a three-month contract, having previously left the Premier League club at the end of last season. The 30-year-old is expected to feature in the squad to play Manchester City on Saturday with striker Andy Carroll still overcoming injury. Cole played a friendly against Charlton last week to prove his fitness to manager Sam Allardyce and an agreement has now been reached that suits both parties."
  16. http://www.the-saleroom.com/en-gb/landing/sir-bobby-breakthough.htm A new auction, online till the 27th, some decent items on there, although prices already going high, lunch with AVB already at £920
  17. Prices for spurs announced earlier today, £41/37, guess they're one of the clubs that you'd guess would say no to the idea.
  18. There's no reason for the club to take reduced allocations anymore as the rules on away tickets changed this summer. It's now sale or return without the away club having to pay for unsold tickets. Didn't know that, do you know why did they not take up a full allocation at Cardiff then? I thought it was to help reduce the workload for the already overworked staff at the box office, am sure I've read a few times that we have a stupidly low amount of staff working there.
  19. Given how new most of their fans are, it could be a genuine question.
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