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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Aye that daily mail article reaks of the stupid "soldiers shud get footballers wages in'it" culture
  2. Barton is fucking loving this like
  3. Wish hull would tweet there bench, fingers crossed Steve harper is there...
  4. 2-0, 15 mins in, England showing some good intensity, but still couldn't help noticing no. 9's nipple poking through her top... could almost say, the weather in Bournemouth must be a bit nippy....
  5. You can push it off as a marketing ploy by paddy power if you want, but its pretty pathetic how few clubs have been willing to join in with an attempt like this to try and show support for the LGBT community. Absolute disgrace that in 2013 were still in a situation where gay footballers can't be open about their sexuality.
  6. Will any of our players be wearing rainbow laces does anybody know? would be dissapointed if none of ours did.
  7. Fucks sake, 5 mins in and I have to go out for a late lunch, well timed, bloody visiting relatives.
  8. Nice team selection, but really doubt Pardew has the ability to make it work.
  9. canny evening, was great to see so many icons of newcastle's and world football's past. Di Canio was clearly the fittest of the older players and still looked quality, but the likes of Maldini, Baresi, Solano and Beardsley just ooozed class. Two biggest things of the night though were the attendance and Speed's sons. Says a lot about this club that someone like Harper can attract 50k+ to his testemonial, just 200 games across 20 years, he may not of been the greatest player this club has ever had, he was hardly ever first choice, but he gave us his loyalty and commitment and for that we showed our appreciation. The two Speeds coming on was a moment of sheer class and a beautiful way to remember their father, not ashamed to admit i had a lump in my throat when they came on. Edit: Also, I just saw Maldini lift a trophy at St James' Park ffs
  10. Anyone posted the pic of rob lee carrying his boots in a plastic bad yet?
  11. Teams to be announced in ground at 6.45pm according to .co.uk, hope there's a twitter announcement sooner... Also gates opening half 5 for anyone paying on the door
  12. really? you'd like our striker to stop scoring, Pardew, is that you?
  13. Another assist for wor Shane, set up the last 3 NI goals.
  14. I can't see anything wrong with this tbh. I can, we have a pretty bad record on fake pitches.
  15. Maldini v shearer ffs, I'd pay good money to watch that even if they were having to use Zimmer frames.
  16. "On 22 February 2013, all of the frozen beef products used by Sodexo in the UK were withdrawn following the discovery of horse DNA in a sample"
  17. Box office are expecting this to sell out, but an early kick off in midweek is stopping a few people I know who would of loved to have gone from being able to go.
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