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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. If we can't beat a QPR team who have nothing to play for we won't beat an Arsenal team with nothing to play for who said anything about trying to win?
  2. last time we won our final away game in the top flight was 1976
  3. why is Klopp only 33/1. mentally short odds
  4. the seats being bright red really helps to point out the gaps all over the place.
  5. Gary Caldwell could lift the FA cup
  6. tbf, every time we score before then we collectively shit ourselves and forget how to play football.
  7. FA Cup Final day has really lost its magic for me the past few years.
  8. oh jesus, thought that was falling to a Wigan player.
  9. these 15 mins are going to kill me
  10. just stuck a few more quid on a wigan win.
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