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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. hate whatever i'm watching this on, have had a section on how great Martin O'Neill is followed by an advert for the europa league. rubbing salt in wounds here
  2. Jonas as part of a front 4 man, offers absolutly sod all going forward.
  3. feeling very apathetic today. feels like i'm just going through the motions waiting for the team news.
  4. on a similar note to the question about the 6-second rule. Do keepers not have to take their goal kick from the side it went out (like with corners)? I was always taught to take it from the side it wen't out on when i played in goal when i was a lot younger, pretty sure i got made to take a few again, if taken from the wrong side.
  5. Well we do support Newcastle after all, if thats not asking for emotional abuse i don't know what is
  6. who put stars on his nipples and why? and to answer the question Philippe Montanier, Rafa, Ketsbaia or Jol would all make me very, very happy.
  7. some funny ones like 'Travelling in Numbers' by Wigan Athletic Driving to success by Peter Odinwingie I saw it - By Arsene Wenger How to take the perfect corner - By Yohan Cabaye 'How to stay onside' by Papiss Demba Cisse
  8. Yeah don't see anything wrong the t-shirts etc tbh. They did just beat their rivals 3-0, it's a pretty big deal.
  9. Aye, disappeared in the second half, was far from our worst player though.
  10. In the pub in the station (not the centurion) and 3 police ran straight through the bar. Doors locked now. Seems to be kicking off near here. Such an embarrassment, it's always kids as well. Not as embarrassing as the performance was today mind...
  11. What else do you think it was? Am sure they have previous of throwing piss down...
  12. I hope that the liquid in the sprite bottle that hit a bloke a couple of rows in front of me and splashed me and many others was indeed sprite... Chucking bottles at opposite fans in this day and age, only Sunderland...
  13. Tiote and Cabaye in the middle, it's going to be a battle to keep both of them red-card free
  14. Maybe they want to play with more than one midfielder?
  15. He played for us under Kinnear didn't he?
  16. do they usually show the entire mins silence on MOTD?
  17. with that voucher, the clubs official facebook page has this " This match day only, a special offer from official club stores only - buy todays programme and use the voucher inside to get the NUFC v Benfica scarf for just 99p. Price without voucher or at NUFCDirect.com £9.99."
  18. going to a be a fun end to this game now.
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