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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. What was he meant to do? pretend it didn't happen for a while like their twitter?
  2. Did Dummett just attempt to get past a defender? really are taking the piss now
  3. How is Alan Hutton still a thing? and why is he allowed to run through our midfield?
  4. lost 11 monday games in a row, so this is going okay for us so far
  5. everyone at the top dropping points at the minute, big last few mins in every game (apart from Reading which still has ages left)
  6. Ando thinks we havn't played too bad, which given his usual dreadful outlook on life is quite something.
  7. doesn't sound like we're playing too badly to be fair. Darlow and Lascelles have both looked like costing us points at some time in recent weeks so at least they've both got it out their system in one go i suppose.
  8. useless ginger mackem must of been worried, he almost went a whole game without picking up an unnecessary yellow
  9. Quite the contrary, she is also one of the many babes that live in her particular apartment building. Now that's better. Damn, this place sounds like the place to be. You need to be sneaking in some pictures like a disgusting prowler pervert, for the pleasure of this forum. Ah Newcastle-online, where you can guarantee there's already a thread for that (albeit a seasonal one)
  10. "WE GO AGAIN!" What is this shite.
  11. 38th time lucky for Rodwell.
  12. He was fine. He's no Gayle. but he was fine. people on both sides of the mitro fence go so overboard with their opinions its rediculous. it seems he's either brilliant or absolute dogshit. reality he is, he's good enough as a young back up to our main striker.
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