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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. They did it in the qualifiers too https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2014/nov/17/croatia-fans-terrorism-italy-planned-cry-attention
  2. I know its been over an hour since this started, but i still can't believe how many of them are there. Impressive amount of noise from them too.
  3. When Rob Lee's son came on against us. I'm in my 20s FFS, I shouldn't be old enough to watch a premier league match and be able to remember watching one of the player's fathers playing.
  4. well, I certainly wouldn't be as much of a workshy aresehole as Sissoko was last year.
  5. Thats us down and the mackems not far behind. Can't complain, Us, Them and Villa have all been an absolute disgrace for a few years now.
  6. Oh dear god, please don't let us lose again to the sort of club that appoints a fascist for a manager, has a captain thats such a thug he was banned from all the pubs in his home town for 4 years, that has a striker that thinks it's okay to buy his sister lingerie and thinks its acceptable to play a person they knew and had seen evidence of him using his position as a footballer at their club to groom and have sexual activity with a child. still though, apart from all that, I'm sure they're a classy club.
  7. little sister? just how little? Oh god, maybe they're all at it! it's like the BBC all over again.
  8. absolute shite today, two full backs easily the worst players on the pitch.
  9. a good performance against a great side. unlucky not to get a point. massive improvement on the shite thats gone before already.
  10. Just bumped into a couple by the quayside, sorry I couldn't of stayed longer. Have a good night guys!
  11. to be fair, £10 million seems to be the going rate for an average premier league striker.
  12. only just noticed that Wenger actually said "I didn't see it" after the match
  13. bloody hell, and to think in that time the only good managers we've had really have been a couple of years of Hughton and a few months of Keegan. Pathetic really.
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