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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. "we was used to finishing 7 early so the players felt tired by the end" But you were 3-0 down by half time? " Ben Arfa was lazy and let the fans and the team down" but he wasn't playing for the first 85 mins? "exactly, for the first 85 mins all he did was sit in his seat, instead of tracking back."
  2. He's called Graham Laidler and unbelievably, given some of the content he's posted over the years on various forums, he is a school teacher which quite frankly beggars belief. Trying to arrange fights with total strangers and constant bullying of others, it's hard to believe he's a bloke in his mid 40's. I certainly wouldn't want him sharing a classroom with my bairn. In Mackem language, his surname means, " to keep out of the spotlight". fantastic
  3. to be fair, playing for Pardew could ruin him, at least in the reserves he's further away from that shite cunt.
  4. champions league semi-final and top of the league, imagine what that must feel like
  5. http://telly.com/1I052JQ?sg=1
  6. that touch to get past the defender
  7. Catermole with a yellow? well who would of guessed.
  8. 5 defenders, 3 central midfielders, a winger and a striker. a very odd 5-3-2?
  9. In fairness they could pull a bloke out of the crowd to manage them tonight and still trounce us Unless Pardew is in the stand
  10. the last comment on that video 'very difficult for the keeper to stop' it was hit straight at her man!
  11. Clearly says in the rules posted in here that a fine for this type of offense is okay (they can remove the points ban if it's just international clearance) so no problem in the league, but would love to know the rules in the carling cup re:that. Mk dons must be furious..
  12. Teaforthree and Balthazar king... Based on the fact I've heard of them Before
  13. Why don't you try and float it towards Williamson at the back post again?
  14. http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/qp0WBiME_fM/hqdefault.jpg Hey Vergini, why don't you show us how everything you touch turns to shit?
  15. why is he on the bench to begin with? just odd
  16. Through to the u17 European championships along with Woodman. Good to see out youngsters doing well.
  17. Fuck sake, the one time I go out of my way to miss the match Hatem starts, somehow I don't think Braintree are going to be quite as good to watch as him
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