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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. Plymouth away was special, when we won the league. Remember beating west ham 4-2, with an Owen hatrick, shearer's 199th goal and shola giving away a stupid pen. Think those are two of my favorites
  2. Hughton hasn't though, he's shown fuck all and never will. He's spent a lot of money for a Norwich team, and they barely play well together. he's no better than Pardew, only a likeable guy so easier to stomach. Said pulis was a smart appointment from the off, no surprises to see what he's done there. Had we not folded like a pack of cards twice then Poyet wouldn't be looking so rosy, as it stands he's got them to a final, quarters, and on the verge of escaping trouble. He'll be somewhere else come august. No better than Pardew if you say so
  3. :anguish: :anguish: :anguish: We can't get past the forth round since this cunt took over and now he's supplying the mackem's suits for the final. This bloke finds new ways to piss on my chips every week it seems.
  4. Win 3 (7.3%) Lose 24 (58.5%) Draw 14 (34.1%) don't see what you mean Edit: argh NPW
  5. yep, he's too much of a moron to realise what he's thrown away.
  6. Doubt that'd go down well. Big clubs losing out on a lot of revenue from home games... Thought the gate receipts were halved in the FA cup? I thought that was only in the League Cup?
  7. Forgot to check the date, rookie mistake http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/02/20/us-herbalife-idUSBREA1J27T20140220 seems like its still not been resolved yet. America is Not the first country its been in trouble in though i'm sure.
  8. seemed the appropriate place to post this as i seem to remember him plugging this all the time on twitter http://guardianlv.com/2013/03/herbalife-under-investigation/
  9. Can't say they've fluked their way there, given they've knocked out plenty of big teams.
  10. I celebrated just like usual for a last minute winner, but like shagging a girl you know your going to break up with, I was going through the motions, without any of the conviction behind it.
  11. "Remy thought he was fouled, Martin Atkinson didn't" serious MOTD? he's just signalled play on ffs
  12. honestly, you can't see the difference? Enlighten me ok NUFC were born in 1992 = truth to mackems SBR was HOUNDED OUT by mags = truth to mackems 2 examples of actual things that are not true but mackems hold up like beacons of light and truth blue pop, whees keys and cheesy chips are just cultural/city pisstakes...i can't believe you can't see the difference if you said to a newcastle supporter that sunderland people don't all drink blue pop i doubt they'd argue...could you say the same for the 1992 argument? Absolutely. I don't believe Newcastle were founded in 1992. I only need to look at this board to know how highly Sir Bobby is held. I could name a lot of my friends who'd think the same. I could also direct you to a Newcastle fan I went to school with (he's from Seaham) who's first words after the derby to me were 'Go w*** into your cheesy chips man' My point was that both sets of supporters have their idiots who'll take jokes, daft remarks too far and will re-write history. Do you believe we hounded out Steve Bruce because he was a Geordie? Granted the results weren't great but I remember this: Steve Bruce still remembers vividly the ‘hatred on some people’s faces’ when his Sunderland side lost against Wigan in his final match in charge. ‘That will stay with me for a long time,’ the Hull manager revealed, before facing his former club today for the first time since he was vilified by their fans and then sacked. That Saturday, in November 2011, Sunderland supporters finally lost patience with their Newcastle-supporting manager after their team conceded a 90th-minute goal to Franco Di Santo, and started chanting: ‘You fat Geordie b******, get out of our club.’ His wife, Janet, was subject to abuse as well. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2483938/Steve-Bruce-haunted-hatred-Sunderland.html#ixzz2u9PfTPgs Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook I'm not being funny like but that's going to happen if the manager is being perceived to be doing a bad job. Things get personal in those circumstances. Plenty of our lot would do exactly the same thing to a manager with a mackem background. My dad works with Steve Bruce's brother, apparently for a few month before he sacked he knew it was coming but he stuck at it because A. He just didn't want to walk away from a challenge, and B. He knew he was onto one hell of a pay off when he got sacked. He hasn't said how much he got off but they reckon it's around or above £5m. Fuck me, I would take that. Would still try to do my job like, but that would be OK as a worst case scenario. Would look after my bro too like, just saying. Stay friends. He did, he bought him a brand new top of the range Audi. Apparently he's treats his family well. Every time anyone at his work is doing a charity event he will sign footballs, shirts etc, if he's managing a team he will get the team to as well. Ah, OK, as long as he's spreading it around. Hope they win on Monday, wish we were still in it. Steve Bruce seems to be one of a few managers they've had who seem genuinely nice blokes.
  13. been given free tickets in the platinum club, so at least I can watch this in relative comfort compared to my normal seat
  14. The petulant kick at the post was just great
  15. Barca doing a good impression of statues there
  16. Why the fuck are you wearing a cap Pulis? its dark outside, its cold, you look like a prick, stop it.
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