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Everything posted by Anderson

  1. Shambles volleying us into Europe vs Chelsea was canny. As was Shearers 206 and Villa 6-0. Still, nothing comes close to Sunday for me.
  2. Think these might be the perfect birthday/christmas present for any mackem!
  3. Gareth Bale is making Maicon, possibly the best right back in the world, look like James Perch!
  4. When it was 0-0 at HT? Souness was in charge then.... At the time, my favourite was beating Boro 3-1 in the relegation season. Completely soured by the fact we went down, obviously. Absolutely tonking Reading 3-0 under Keegan is probably my favourite. Honourable mention to the Forest game last year. So it was!
  5. 4-3 against City when it was Sir Bobby vs KK deserves a mention. Such a topsy turvy game!
  6. Wasn't too long ago he was just that player who'd never won a game with Spurs.
  7. For all I dislike Spurs I quite enjoy watching them in Europe because they remind me of us 8-9 years ago.
  8. Aye, they do their best to make a right hash of it though. http://www.tottenhamhotspur.com/news/articles/inter-milan-ticketing-issue-301010.html
  9. Anderson

    Current Team

    Remains to be seen. At the moment the only one of "top 6 quality" is Enrique IMO. Yeah, not quite top 6. Good enough for those teams who are just under the top 6 possibly though.
  10. Anderson


    Malbranque is possibly better than Jonas Not watched him much but the mackem I was speaking to today singled him out for criticism and said he should be first person out the team.
  11. Anderson


    Bramble and Turner are better than Colo and Mike, Welbeck and Steed better than Jonas!
  12. Think our style of play won't suit Arsenal one bit if we do come out and play like we have done. Still, think Arsenal will probably win it.
  13. Anderson

    Current Team

    All dependent on age. Being born in 91 I can't remember much about that team.
  14. Anderson

    Current Team

    Think the 1st goal celebration summed it all up for me. Was great to see players like Coloccini and Tiote all getting involved in it as well as the usual suspects in Barton, Nolan, Carroll etc.
  15. Anderson

    Current Team

    Not only do I like this team more than any other I've seen bar the SBR era but in the likes of Krul, Forster, Saylor, Colo, Jose, Tiote, Barton, Barfa and Carroll we have the foundations of a good team should Ashley ever get round to spending a little. Obviously whether he ever will spend is a completely different matter entirely.
  16. Will be mate. Will be. (By the way, that almost sounded like you were talking about yourself in the third person!) Haha, fortunately I'm not a charver, nor do I hail from Gateshead or have a shit pony tail. Unfortunately there's no possibility I'll be playing for England in the next World Cup.
  17. http://lh5.ggpht.com/_GAzGCZ3FHB0/S0msSikxZXI/AAAAAAAAI5o/hNaXzz1eIGc/s640/08.jpg
  18. Just thinking today, this charver from Gateshead with his shit pony tail could be playing for England in Brazil in 4 years time.
  19. Still not on the Sky Player and MotD still not on iPlayer. Forgot to record both!
  20. Anderson


    Five through Mingolet!
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