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Everything posted by Ameritoon

  1. He's been terrible He's never been given a consistent run in the team until now.
  2. Demba should've been playing most all season.
  3. Was just thinking about him the other day. Terrible
  4. This man is incredible. When you think it can't get any worse he wants to re-sign Shola and start Rob Elliot. His problem solving method is to do the opposite of what any sane person would.
  5. He's been impressive, but I wouldn't put him in the England squad. Got torn apart by Milner last week and been the weak link in a few other games this season. He's young so I suspect he'll develop well and become a consistently good player, but that's not now.
  6. Can they have Courtois back now?
  7. Kind of feel bad for him, but mostly just laughing at Sir Alex's retirement speech.
  8. Just imagine. Think I might go ahead with that suicide I have planned for sometime during my mid-life crisis.
  9. Man, I love Sandro. Thought he was excellent his first two seasons in England, fallen off a bit, but that whole Spurs team has outside of a few.
  10. Would've thought this shit goes on at every match http://www.theguardian.com/football/2014/apr/19/police-called-drug-scandal-major-club?CMP=twt_gu
  11. Feel the same but don't really want to say it out loud.
  12. Only just saw that Sunderland penalty. Jozy, man
  13. Really disappointed with that crowd. Total shit until after the penalty. Not that it really matters, but that could've at least been one nice takeaway from today.
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