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Everything posted by Ameritoon

  1. Tbf, Lennon should've hit it back in the first place. The strikers didn't react once he held on too long, though
  2. Feel for him. It was nice to see some new faces in the England setup.
  3. Seems like they should've let him see the season out considering it's so late, guess they'll leave it up to a caretaker.
  4. Pretty good example of why Liverpool are in a title push. Basically every game they haven't controlled this season Gerrard has sent in a great ball that Suarez or Sturridge bury.
  5. Ameritoon


    2-2 now Dempsey might be coming around finally
  6. Ameritoon


    1-1 early in Seattle/Portland. Good game so far
  7. Might as well have spent the last two hours rewatching that video over and over
  8. Why would anyone go play for Canada out of choice? They're pretty good these days
  9. Goddamn, did we get anything from the ref? Johnson's goal looked on too, had a terrible angle but from what I'm reading it seems like I was right. Also thought Parkhurst was just as shit as Beltran, but others apparently don't. That stadium is fantastic and one of the best atmospheres I've been apart of.
  10. As someone from a middling football nation I find it hard to understand. I enjoyed watching Bradley play for Roma (especially under Zeman), and have a soft spot for Fulham I never once celebrated their results or goals. There's a lot of different types of fans here, some just follow US players in Europe but never commit to a team, others picked Fulham a few years ago, but they've stuck with them at least.
  11. Not anymore :| Best part about the new generation of US women is they're far better technically, and far more attractive.
  12. There is definitely something creepy going on with the symmetry of these games the last two days. Great hit by Isco.
  13. yes, defiantly! Every transfer we make is defiant
  14. Let me know if you find a place worthwhile to get the Centennial kit at. I'd love one for this summer. The link dazza posted is good, just switch US ebay, it comes out to $40 with shipping. There's a few different players too.
  15. I wonder if Moyesie will have a word with Rooney about diving after that
  16. dat finish. Same games, I swear
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