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Everything posted by JCONA

  1. JCONA

    James Perch

    Ive been thinking this since the start of the season, he barely looked championship quality if we're honest. Someone answer me what chris sees in him to play him above raylor? I really cannot think of the last time we had a player that clearly wasn't up to standard and persisted in playing them for this length of time. Its bizare.
  2. pubs do it all over the place. my local just got a new box and its pretty decent. I desperatly hopes she wins, it would be a giant leap towards fixing the mess of money in football, but I doubt she will.
  3. I'd generally disagree on our performance. I think we played v well and were robbed of a result today. Couple that with the two injuries and it was a disaster of a game
  4. that was infuriating on sunday more than at any other time. Aye, was killing me. That, still starting perch and his questionable subs has me worried for chris (and us)
  5. Correct. Agreed sadly. As for loven, I personally think he's an intelligent player and he makes excellent runs. He finishing isn't great by no means but I think we should play him with carroll and with some half decent service, he'll get a goal every few games at best. At worst he'll still give defenses somthing to think about, and it means we won't be playing kevin nolan in the fking hole.
  6. What is also worrying is the fact chris seems incapable of subbing nolan off never mind dropping him.
  7. Also nearly 14 stone!? Hes not that tall either, deffo overweight for a footballer in his position EDIT: Wikipedia confirmed hes just 6ft. Did a BMI check and what a surprise "You are in the overweight range." I know often for sportsmen BMI is meaningless but I don't believe someone playing off a forward should be classed as overweight
  8. I really thought against stoke he slowed our game right down every time he got the ball. There were a couple of times I remember specifically we were on the break in the 2nd half, he got the ball, turned around on the spot, looked around some more, then passed it once about 4-5 stoke players got back in position. Very frustrating
  9. That game was torture. We wanted to play football, they didn't. And we couldn't impose ourselves on the game at all. I understand that the way the play is probably ensuring their best chance of finishing above relegation spots, but if every team played like that, football would not be game, the entertainment, the event it (usually) is.
  10. oooh shittttttttt... I really hope we beat these fuckers i hate them as much as i hate spurs and manu Why would that be? Hates a strong word though, but you won't be many peoples second team!
  11. didn't expect carroll to make as big an impact. still though, silly to compare to shearer
  12. Man, what a game. Theyre gonna be after revenge in the prem tho !
  13. He revealed on that radio show the other night that they were playing a game, and his team had one less player than the other, so everyone took a turn in goal. Shame, cos I always thought it was pretty funny!
  14. JCONA

    Sports Direct

    sigh. those pics look terrible
  15. This could happen imo- we need backup for krul so if we can't get foster back then a loan for someone will be made. I'd like to see krul get his chance though
  16. JCONA

    Black Power!

    Dont forget the mighty solamus. Both him and tiote have the black stat
  17. I think it would of been more comfortable had it not been for the ref's terrible performance. That pen decision was crazy, especially since he seemed to be well positioned to see it. Had we got that and scored, would not of had that nervous end and I think overall would of been very one sided
  18. nah surely they wouldnt of had a choice but to keep him had we stayed up
  19. He had hinted at that before, but he's never said as explicitly that he had 'things agreed' etc etc and then heard sweet fa. I think it was assumed they'd told him thanks but no thanks.. but obviously not. wankers
  20. He said he agreed to be manager with "the appropriate people" and 2 days later he called someone and they didnt know what was happening and he's never talked to them since
  21. JCONA

    Football pet hates

    There'd be massive issues with bias and also history with other players(managers too). It wouldnt work
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