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Everything posted by JCONA

  1. http://www.totalprosports.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/A-Painful-Way-To-Exit-The-Pitch.gif
  2. If you put it right in the top corner the keeper ain't getting it but its easier to put it low. Trying for the top corner and you're running the risk of putting it over or more likely mid height where the keepers got a real chance of saving it. Shearer is was the master, Shola is was the pupil
  3. JCONA

    Titus Bramble

    http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/49725000/jpg/_49725084_010534303-1.jpg great pic
  4. The whole system worked excellent yesturday. Bar Krul was arguably our strongest team. However I'm not sure if we could play the same system away from home against the big boys. We'll see next weekend I guess!
  5. Just passed 5 police horse vans on the A1 going south. Does seem abit ott sometimes
  6. I didnt see but im sure nolan got motm. I think it should be barton. Carroll was also pure class even though he didnt get on the scoresheet
  7. JCONA

    Shola Ameobi

    someone has deffo been watching shearer vids on youtube. That pen
  8. asif we let bent score ffs. has to go now surely
  9. Totally a non story, has to be mackem stirring. If we're not in the relegation zone hes not getting sacked end of.
  10. Only get to a few a season since I've been away at uni
  11. Its a Jersey Geordie Thing
  12. Yes you're completely right, although in my experience thats what we've always given when the unwashed come to town clattermole clatternomore
  13. Asif they just thought, fuck it, lets go out shopping to eldon square
  14. from our friendly neighbours http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1204/5101796413_fe22b32451_b.jpg
  15. JCONA

    Sports Direct

    hope its gone before google maps does an update of the area!
  16. JCONA

    Sports Direct

    I very much doubt they are intentially block signal. The stadium shape itself is obviously bad for radio waves to penetrate. And during matchs obviously so many people in such a small area is going to cause massive communication congestion. I've always known texting to be fairly slow at games but its a problem thats going to get worse and worse with more people owning blackberries, iphones etc.
  17. I agree he's potentially the best DM we've had in years, however he wasn't great at all yesturday. He also kicked out twice at wigan players, I don't like that, very immature and will get him/us into trouble..
  18. JCONA

    James Perch

    Shola ? Come to think of it most of the team that got us relegated. Shola was never really first XI though. As for our relegation team, most of them had shown good form at some point, whether it be on the rare occasion that season or seasons prior. I don't think Perch has had a good 45 mins yet :S
  19. +last was a great challenge. ref got it wrong
  20. JCONA

    Sports Direct

    Looks f***ing abysmal. WHAT THE f***. Seriously who the f*** thought that was a good idea. It looks TERRIBLE. I mean what the f***. Is someone in a helecopter going to see that and think, oh look, sports direct on that stadium, I'll go and buy some new trainers when I've landed. WHAT THE f*** Fucking terrible colours on the stadium. SHIT.
  21. Liking the praise alot. I have to say I'm one of those that wern't fully convinced of his quality during his first season (in respect of his pricetag), although I was not one of the ones to go so far as call him shit etc. I noticed he was captain today, does anyone know how good his english is just out of interest?
  22. aye its 2 points dropped but still a decent comeback after the usual shambles at teh back
  23. yeh agree with that. was pretty shocked/surprised when i saw the team. Assumed we must be playing 4-5-1 with loven on the right but its not been that way. Theyve murdered us on the break
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