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Everything posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. I used to rate Wayne Bridge, but he has been calamitous these past two years. Injuries haven't helped, which is another worry. I'd stay clear. I thought Bridge was good until Shearer got hold him......
  2. Geez Ronaldo You pretty much argue every point thats made on here don't you.
  3. This is by far the post of the year if you are a troll.
  4. Just watched a video of him on YT. Looks like an excellent prospect....
  5. What I would like to know is Does the Merchandise int he club shops get bought directly from supplier (Puma/adidas etc) OR does it get bought through Sports Direct?
  6. If thats your opinion why dont you keep it to yourself. I think that this thread is quite interesting given that it involves the Sponsor of St James Park, The guy who owns it also owns NU. If this thread showed that Sports Direct made a loss it wouldn't be so pointless would it?
  7. This thread is Bullshit.
  8. If this comes off I may even bang my missus tonight.......
  9. This translates to 'We are looking for another freebie who is under 25'
  10. ok, can i just come out and say that's JULY and now we're stepping up our striker search all these mopes thinking we're gonna spend much of the 35m better start rethinking...we got 3 players for 5m, mike's wet dream tbh, why spend the rest For. f***'s. Sake. +1
  11. What season we on? I caught the first season when they showed it a few weeks back on FX or whatever
  12. I know that everyone is entitled to an opinion so my opinion based on your comment is 'You are a Prat'. How do you know that we would be "Under Pressure for long periods of the match"?
  13. It's Good business Sense as long as long as it doesn't jeopardise the clubs security and it's used as a stepping stone to building the club and trying to return it to it's former glory.
  14. Your right we need 9 more players to make a team
  15. Fuckin Hell Man Are you for real. Its not even fuckin July Yet you Ponce!
  16. It was a NUFC Related, and it was a rumour and it was in the press.......... This thread is fine.......
  17. I knwo this is probably total Bollocks but apparently Gomez was spotted at Newcastle Airport (Source - SSN Rumours )
  18. LOLWUT? I personally Don't mind Gibson and I think that he is far better than Guthrie. Would add depth for sure.......
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