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Everything posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. Its nice to be linked with players who are also linked with Arsenal. Raises our profile ...
  2. Surely aq good bit of business.............
  3. f*** that, let's get them both
  4. Well, Didn't see this coming........................... Guess the whole Veil of Secrecy thing that the club are implementing has actually worked for them instead of agianst them for a change.
  5. If Millwall do stump up the cash and he goes there, I fear it will be the end of his Footballing career before it has even started.
  6. Not sure where the club are going with this need to get rid of McLoven, Smith and Shola over best.
  7. At least with Nolan unlikely to be here you won't have to say you are going to drink your own p*ss and not do it again.............
  8. I am sure we have won a game when Perch has played so does that mean we should play him every game?
  9. A fucking Exodus? Jesus christ just whenI thought I had heard it all.........................
  10. Id be happy to see Ireland here VUT only if he can stay fit and recover some of that elusive form he had a couple of seasons ago.....
  11. clueless. Jose and Jonas are two of our better players, i'd rather have them in the squad tyvm. As for Nolan at Stevenage - Tiote didn't exactly cover himself in glory that day - should we get rid of him too? Get rid of Shola and Loven? Don't think many would disagree, but it's easier said than done, and you first need to replace them. we're already short on strikers before you consider letting anyone go. If he has two years on his contract we should keep him for another year and get rid when it suits us, when we're in a stronger position to transition. i doubt he is on massive wages coming from Bolton and whether people like it or not he was a huge player for us last season. so many f***ing holes in that post, and yet the same dimwits will be praising it to high heavens. http://i878.photobucket.com/albums/ab344/ajt1452/TrollSpray.jpg
  12. Lot of posters crying over this were killing him at the start of the thread. Very True. Be interesting to Match up peoples comments then to now...........
  13. Nice Sig Ember Now I have got over the initial shock that we may be selling Nolan, We don;t know what plans are in the pipeline, hell, we don't even know what Wham have bid do we? maybe he is a counterweight in another deal (Hopefully not Ba).
  14. Its the veil of secrecy I do not like. People are never sure about whats going on....... What's been secret? Nolan rejected a new contract here, West Ham have been interested a week or so, he's gone (going). I am not just talking about Nolan I am talking in general. There is a veil of secrecy around the club and we have all seen this before with Carroll, keegan etc etc. Do you really think that all of this is because he didnt get that extra year?
  15. Unless they are thinking of a cheeky swap for Parker...................
  16. Its the veil of secrecy I do not like. People are never sure about whats going on.......
  17. This is not good news if he leaves. He has been a key player for us for th last 2 seasons and to lose him this way is shocking. I am going to be pissed if they dont sell shola as well.......
  18. French press suggest that Arse'n'Holes have made contact about signing him. I say move on and sign Jimmy Floyd hassellbaink.
  19. That is funny. 853 people already as well. NICE!
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