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Everything posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. Silvestre to Werder Bremen . . . . . . . . The fookers were not finished in the transfer market after all . . . . . . .
  2. If Liverpool sneak in and nick HBA I am going to go fookin ape shit
  3. No news is good news sunshine!
  4. Til i come. Very Good Gimp.
  5. Now this signing has been completed I am gonna say that I am happier than a dog with 2 dicks!
  6. Do you reckon it was the same sort of 'Chat' that Ashley Cole had with Peter Kenyon in that restaurant before he moved to chelsea?
  7. Is it wrong that I still have a certain element of doubt about this deal going through?
  8. I am soooo considerate. . . . . . Saves the rest of us a job...
  9. According to the french press this is all as good as done (subject to medical). If this guy signs I am going to Tea bag my bird tonight!
  10. If he signs I won't know whether to Laugh or Cry it has been that emotional!
  11. +1 I think Ranger can be a real star BUT not on the wing. I thought Vuckic was a winger?
  12. I gotta Say Shola is Playing proper Crap, One defensive header is the only good thing I thing he has done in the whole of the first half. On a positive note, Ranger, Vuckic, Tavernier and Ferguson are all looking pretty good (Tavernier especially). The way vuckic plays and his build reminds me a little of Cristiano Ronaldo.
  13. Marseille never said that. That was his agent. It was still said by someone in France!
  14. It seems pretty clear that the Germans are the only ones who want to pay top dollar . . . . . . . Would be great for HBA to release a statement to see what the ACTUAL situation is! As far as i can tell Marseille are getting very desperate as it has gone from "a big surprise deal" TO "We will have him back if he does not find a club by the end of the transfer window which is still a week away". Toss Pots!
  15. There is no fuckin need for that!
  16. Jeremyu Beadles got a massive cock . . . . . . . . . . . on the other hand . . . . . . . . . [/offtopic]
  17. No, I don't want him to go either. Maybe 60k a week is a bit much BUT he is definitely one for the future IMO
  18. Am I the only one who does not want him to go?
  19. Davids in his Prime was Mustard. The type of player we could do with now IMHO
  20. This quote was taken from some french site (via google translate). What I don't get is why Arsenal would pay 13 million euros for a player that they could get for less.?
  21. To be honest, I am all for HBA joining us but if we don't get him I would like to think that we could get someone Similar to him as we could do with it . . . .
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