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Everything posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. My Missus has just gone up for a bath, Do you think I should have a cheeky wank at this result whilst she is in there?
  2. OOOOHHHHH we play in white and black and we're deadly in attack, we're the most united team in all the land. You can hear the geordie roar everytime Newcastle score we're the most united team in all the land.
  3. Mong Bit Harsh . . . . . . . . . My point was, and it was said by someone else earlier in this thread, it gets annoying listening to the same old negative vibes about KN. He is no spring chicken but I think he has been something different for us at times. He gets into good positions (whether he means it or not) and can hold the ball up better than Sham-eobi
  4. BUT whenever Colly is mentioned I think back to that cracking game against Newcastle (even tough we lost)
  5. If I was CH I would chuck out a mixture of Youth and Experience and i think Ben Arfa needs to play at least a half to get his match fitness up.
  6. I must admit that Shearers performance on MOTD Saturday was a bit poor when Ben Arfa was mentioned and also in the world cup (Fugazi) BUT I don't think it deserved a roasting by Collymore, after all he comes out with some proper poppycock sometimes!
  7. I got a great idea, now that Newcastle are back in the premiership we can all slag off players who 'Stayed' with us when all the shit was going down, banged in a few goals (from a midfield area - sort of) and helped Newcastle ascend into the highest tier of english football.
  8. Hopefully the signs will either generate some money or be part payment on money Ashley has ploughed into the club. After all it is sponsorship and therefore an income for the club so it will have to be accounted for (which Ashley won't mind because it would be tax relief for his Sports Direct business)
  9. I think that he had a Solid game today and I am, dare i say it, Optimistic about him. He looked strong, confident on the ball, not afraid to take players on and fairly quick to boot. I don't really want to slate Alan Smith too much because I thought that he had a 'Reasonably' good season last season BUT I think that we will start to see less and less of him. Barton is playing well, Obviously HBA needs to be in the team as does Routledge and based on today, Tiote and then there is the likes of Guthrie, Gosling and vuckic who will always be gunning for game time.
  10. I cant wait to catch this on FF / MOTD later. Listened to it on 5-live and it 'Seems' like Barton had quite a solid game too which pleases me as much as HBA and Tiotes performances.
  11. BUMP! Did anyone else see Viana play Shit last night against Arsenal?
  12. Probably not the right place to put this but im going to anyway . . . . Anyone know how much tickets are against Chelsea next wednesday?
  13. +1 Considering that Shola is such a big guy he really should be trying to play a game (a bit) like Heskey (holding the ball up etc) BUT he is such a let down and has been for 9 years. I think that this season could be his last season if he does not sort himself out. I believe last season would have been his last season at the club but he ended up banging in a few goals which was a stay of execution for him. I agree with Buzza, Lets give X-i-s-c-o a chance to come good. I think that once or twice this season he has shwn a couple of glimpses of what he can do so lets try and further that whilst at the same time burturing Ranger to become the greatest premiership striker EVER
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