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Everything posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. Maradona and his entourage would fit in nicely
  2. If this guy comes in I may have to call off the hitman!
  3. What about that Shifty looking Geezer in Kaizero's Avatar as the next manager? He did say he wanted to manage an English Club and with him at the helm Messi would definitely come to us.
  4. Everyone seems to be banging on about MA doing this to Spite the fans (and because he can). One thing I will say is..... Would you, as a chairman be happy with whats happening this season? We had resounding wins against Villa and the Mackems, Hard fought for wins against Everton and Arsenal ...................... AND THEN hammered by Bolton and West Brom. Unnacceptable losses against Blackpool and Stoke and a couple of rather nasty draws against Fulham and Wolves. Given the wins we had surely we should have annihilated the teams we drew/lost against? I know we drew against Chelsea in the league, but hey everyone is drawing / Beating Chelsea at the moment. I know we beat them in the cup (which was a fantastic result) but we then got spanked by the Gooners. What would you do if you were in Ashleys shoes? stick with it and hope it gets better or make change?
  5. Its pointless doing this shit, it does more harm than good and all it would do is make Fans look like the fuckin stupid students in london the other week and in addition it will have a financial impact on the club. Do we really need to have that happen? Don't get me wrong I am Angry and Dissappointed with the decision to Sack CH and I have thought about washing my hands of the club BUT I cannot do that as they are the team that I have always supported through thick and thin. Before everyone gets their 'Fuck off Fat Ashley / Cockney Mafia' banners out I think we need to wait and see what happens as the next managerial appointment made by Ashley will really show what he wants for the club. e.g If its JFK, we're fucked!
  6. Just seen Steve McLarens name on SKYBET.
  7. NO! That sort of behaviour hardly helped the club out before. I think that the most important thing to happen here is to 'Wait' and see who the new manager is and hope to god that it is not Joe Kinnear!
  8. Thanks for the Explanations people, It sucks being at work when the boys are playing!
  9. Anyone fancy explaining the goal in a little bit more detyail than YEEESSSS CARROLLL?
  10. This would be a bad move, after all, don't want another 'Cockney' in to ruin OUR club do we now?
  11. Real Harsh that he should be banned for that when, IMO, a lot worse is said at times, the word is censored anyway ffs!
  12. Fulham, Blackpool etc. Villa, Everton, Arsenal, Sunderland etc. +1 and Chelsea!
  13. It's hard to have shots when all your time is consumed picking the ball out of your net.
  14. There is a positive to this game.......... We play Man U and Lose 3-0, the next game we spank Villa We play Blackpool and Lose 2-0, the next game we have a SUPERB result over Everton We Play arsenal (albeit in the cup) and lose 4-0, we then Spank the filthy Mackems SO We play Bolton and lose, we then play Chelsea and ?????
  15. Did anyone actually think that we could get something out of this game considering our Suspensions / injuries and Boltons form this season?
  16. I was at the Wst Ham game a couple of Seasons ago when he scored his first Premier League Goal, a trademark header, Back then he wasn't holding the ball up as much or laying it off but now it just seems like he always wants the ball and that to me is sign of confidence. I think the agression he plays with is spot on at the moment, There is no denying he hasn't had his fair share of off-the-pitch incidents and for many players this sort of thing can be used against them in a match but AC doesn't seem to be bothered by it. Professional behaviour and all that......
  17. Not actually seen it yet, listening to the radio for what its worth and they were of the opinion that Carroll had another great game today.
  18. Excellent News. The Big Man is really starting to come good. Excited about the football on Wednesday now just no injuries please. Cannot believe how quickly he has progressed tbh, After we lost Oba and MO and Viduka I was concerned but they have gone now. If he carries on like he is imagine what he will be like when he hits his peak!!!!!
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