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Everything posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. Erm . . . stop me if you think I am wrong but why bring in a crock to cover another crock?
  2. WOW its amazing what Sh1t people come up with to increase their post count
  3. Really tiresome blaming the fat git at every slight chance you get. Unless he phoned you up and cackled like Jabba the Hutt down the phone and told you he did something to mess it up. The cautious approach is a bit more refreshing to the gunslinging money burning approach Freddy Shepard had. BFA? SURE THING, MAN, HERE HAVE £15m GEORDIE DOLLARS! How, lass, on the phone in form the Geordie Nation over the Tanoy we've signed the next best thing since Kluivert - they'll f***ing love this. Can't really blame the club for OM suddenly deciding they want to keep him. I reckon we all need to calm down. There's a lot of 2+2=5 going on. All we know is he wants away from Marseille and seems to only have eyes for the Premier League. He doesn't seem like the type to meekly return to France and toe the party line so who knows what might happen. I'm still relatively confident that a deal will be done but I'm much more concerned that it wont be done in time for Man United. It might happen, it might not. C'est la vie. Exactly. How does the Marseille president saying: "Newcastle are interested but as of today (yesterday), no financial deal has been agreed. We will continue to work with the people of Newcastle and Hatem" = :omg: because, if we had agreed something last week, he could of been our player over the weekend, and because we've allowed negoitations to go for this long, things have changed It's unrealistic to expect any transfer to go that smoothly. if a club wants a player, they can get it done within a day (i.e. transfer deadline day) Totally different situation really. We've got the best part of a month to do a deal. not in our situation when we need decent players asap Is that the way you want the club to enter transfer talks? The selling club will see we're desperate and go +£3m thank you! We're taking a quiet approach for once, and making sure we're getting the best player for the right price. +1
  4. In the 'Rumours' section of Skysports news I saw Nedum Onouha and Stephen Ireland Linked with us? Whats that all about?
  5. Just to stor this one up a bit more I came across This article this morning which basically translates as this I didn't realise Rubin Kazan even made an offer for him?
  6. Kaka hit the nail on the head. The best deal possible needs to be negotiated if NU are to buy HBA. Too many times in the past Newcastle have just taken the philosophy of paying the player whatever they want.
  7. I want Newcastle to sign Tshabalala, does that count as a rumour?
  8. This much is true. Basically, He was offered a contract but he said that he would only sign if he kept ALL of his backroom staff but the Argentine FA were not up for that deal so he just refused the contract. Pretty good record at international level though but i am sure he will be Argentina's manager again at some point. Lets face it, his little spell as Manager is probably keeping him in Coke for a few years . . .
  9. I disagree with this (at the moment). The premiership is a difficult league to play in and al;though he did have a few mares, it was no worse than some of the other players that season. I think Colo had a blinding season last season and i think that Sol Campbells arrival is perfect!
  10. Well as I am from Kent I do have a soft spot for Gillingham as it is only 20 minutes from where I live. I try to go and see them at least once per season if i can just to see whats going on. But, as said before, NUFC really is the only team for me.
  11. Lets face it, Both Flamini and Ben Arfa would be quality signings (Loaned or bought).
  12. Just been reading up on SkySports and there are 'Rumours' that Newcastle are after Ben Arfa and Mathieu Flamini. Oh How i wish they were true . . . . . . . .
  13. Keep Chris! Lets face it the guy came in when we were at our lowest point and as far as i am aware he did not moan or bitch about the whole situation once! He puut his head down and got on with the job and in doing so he stabilised the club froim the players up. He deserves his chance and, although there are improvements that need to be made such as suad selection and the introduction of exciting/attacking football, i reaally think that this guy can become great but not a messiah because we already have too many of those
  14. Where do i start with Jonas . . . . All last season I was very dubious about him but I think that he has now got used to the english name and he is quickly becoming a favourite of mine. He will run at defenders, has confidence, can show quick bursts of pace, BUT the one part of his game that i think needs to improve is the fact that sometimes a gentle gust of wind catches him and he falls down like a lead balloon. I know that he does get fouled a lot but i think that at other times he goes looking for a free kick. Stay on your feet man!!!
  15. I really like Andy Carroll and I sincerely hope that we keep hold of him as I think that with the right nurturing (which he is getting from CH now) I think that he would be more than capable of taking on the No 9 shirt. He reminds me of a cross between Alan Shearer and Faustino Asprilla! (I know that may sound odd but that is just how i see him)
  16. After the Pain that was last season I think that even with no investment we can stay up, HOWEVER, We will need reinforcements and there is no doubt about that. A pacy striker and a couple of full backs wouldt go a miss in my opinion!
  17. I still have my concerns about Leon Best. I know he has scored a few goals at international level but at them moment I would rather see Carroll and Lovenkrands/Ranger starting up front together. At this time, and in my own opinion, LB is the type of player you bring on when NUFC are winning 2 -1 at home against Forest, and you just leave him as a lone striker just holding the ball up!
  18. I agree with that 100%! What is going in with his accent, He sounds Danish then all of a sudden he will sound like Andy Gray of Skysports fame, On top of that you start getting a wee bit of geordie in there as well!!!
  19. LOL that was very funny (yes i know i am 6 pages late but meh what the hell i still laughed) I too dont really give a flying F@#k about what is going on with the other players if i am honest. I couldnt help but have a little chuckle at Michael Owens Injury but a little chuckle was all it was!! To be honest in the case of certain ex players whenever i see their team playing i do secretly wish thay lose but maybe that is just me being bitter!
  20. How about the 'Brains Faggots' Stadium?
  21. There are so many to choose from Collo has done very well for us this season However you cannot rule out the likes of Lovendkrands, Carroll, Simpson,Enrique, NOLAN and Routledge. In fact, can i just choose all of them?
  22. I personally think that Mike Ashley is doing a good job for Newcastle. I fully agree with the previous comments that state that we could have gone down the pan the same way as Portsmouth (crystal Palace, Southend etc etc) but he has helped us through by stopping the influx of money grabbing players. That said, He has made mistakes and i believe he has learnt from these mistakes (Xisco, Dennis Wise for example). When KK came back onto the scene I, as well as pretty much every toon fan, was absolutely delighted BUT I think we ALL new deep down that there was a chance he might just walk away again. When it was reported in the media that KK was trying to sign the likes of Thierry Henry I perosnally wondered wtf was going on! I have faith in Ashleys progression as he has lowered the wage bill, and cleared some of the dead wood and NOT started sacking managers as soon as things dont go right. I personally think that it is about time that this whole saga of last season is left well alone and EVERYONE concentrates on the future of the club!
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