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Everything posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. Surely a Loan Deal with an Automatic Purchase Clause if we stay up is the best deal We could ask for so IF we were to get relegated he can just go back to Marseille and let all of this happen again next year, OR if WHEN we stay up at least we WILL have the funds available to purchase him properly.
  2. From l'equipe I used Google Translate for this . . . . .
  3. Let's say we do sign H to the Ben Arfa. then what . . . .. . .
  4. Arsenal v Tottanham West Ham v Millwall
  5. I am not trying to get my hopes up about this, BUT, it seems like the only place really reporting this as a story is France's version of Goal.com. I, so far have not even said anything on l'equipe about the werder deal either.
  6. Yes, Yes we do . . . . . .
  7. Ok, So it looks like he is set to go to Germany . . . . . . . SO WHAT . . . . . As much as i wanted to see a player of his 'Quality' sign for us there were warning signs. 1. He WANTED to come to us (erm how many 'World Class' players want to come to us - especially as we have just had a nightmare 5+ years) 2. He went on Strike to get his own way 3. No other premiership side went in for him (not even Blackpool) 4. He wants more than £500 per week which 'seems' to be Newcastkes Wage budget! I got to admit that, as much as I think that MA's transfer policy does have its good points at the moment I am feeling proper low about things (not just this but in general). Anyone got some rusty razor blades I can borrow?
  8. WTF! First game of the season and am I the only one who thought he had a half decent game? OK, so there were a few dodgy passes but I agree with STU on this one. Every time he gets the ball and starts running at defenders I am on the edge of my seat. I think he is certainly better now than he was when he first arrived on Tyneside (its unfair to compare him to last season when we were in the lower division). I think that given a bit more time, and a bit more support when he does run with the ball, He can be a good player for us.
  9. Erm . . . .. . when has he bottled you troll? He left Man City citing the reason being that it was too much pressure for him. At that time Man City weren't exactly a well oiled machine and the club itself needed something more than SC. I think it takes a big man to admit that a job is too much. He resigned at Brighton to go to reading stating that Brighton would never be in the Premiership (which atm is still the case). He left Reading the season after their relegation back to the championship having been unable to guide them back into the top flight. You can only really accuse him of bottling it at Bristol City BUT no one knows the reasons for his actual departure at this time (Probably Villa but could be the chairman or anything)
  10. - NO! I personally think that he is a good manager! I think Villa would be a great move for Steveh (and Villa)
  11. Trust me, I remember the Souness era and I fully appreciate that it was not a good time for the club and I know that he fell out with players but Laurent Robert PUBLICLY criticised Souness AND THE NEWCASTLE TEAM at the time. Now what I was getting at is if you want to carry on seeing players with that sort of attitude at the club then more fool you! I never doubted the skill of Laurent and Charles just their attitudes when they get the hump!
  12. SO why did Robert leave Newcastle Neesy?
  13. LOL. There is no denying that N'Somnia and robert were good players when they were on their game but MAYBE the typical French Attitude (Gallas is another great example)
  14. Sorry should have made it a little clearer. I hope that he does not turn into a player that has 5 rubbish games then 2 good ones and so on and so on and then the minute things don't go their way they start phishing around for moves to other clubs etc etc
  15. If we get him I hope he does not turn into another n'somnia or robert!
  16. What line has he crossed? Please tell me? Lets face it this whole HBA saga is based on Rumours and the French Press. Who ACTUALLY knows what is going on behind closed doors? I personally don't see what Ashleys Regime has got to do with anything until clear cut FACTS have been made known!
  17. so we're you expecting him to score 20 goals next season then can you f***ing learn how to use "were" and "we're" man? you f*** it up in every post You forgot the full stop at the end mrmojorisin75.
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