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Everything posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. Do you think that CH would consider using him as a Striker ?
  2. After watching the vodeos I do really have one concern, and that is that it seems like he has exceptional vision but if we do not have people making little runs forward to receive the through ball it is going to be a bit of a waste. Arguably, one player who does tend to make runs like that is Nolan IMO
  3. You Know, I think the Title should stay the same so old and young, now and forever can see the Epic Failure that occured on this day! Gotta say though, I just got Sky installed, Good job it was not just for the Newcastle v Stoke Match
  4. How long has he been injured for now? You got to wonder wether the real reason he has not played is because he is serving a 9 month ban for testing positive for cocaine or missing a piss test
  5. More recently . . . . . .. The Sir Bobby Banner at Accrington . . . nice touch . . . . should make everyone proud that we were fortunate enough to have such a quality manager!
  6. I am surprised no one has mentioned this one as far as i can see Barry Venisons first goal for Newcastle when he twatted the ball from nigh on 25/30 yards! I was so happy for him and his mullett that day!
  7. Summary: They made mistakes but they are in the past. To all the Haters: Instead of dwelling on the past I think that all the haters should just grow a pair and get over it and look forward to a brighter future than what we would have had if FF was still in charge! [/rant]
  8. Can't clubs still go out and seal loan deals for the next couple of weeks?
  9. Blackpool and West Ham for sure Not sure about West Brom though, Wigan and Stoke have surely got to be candidates for the drop?
  10. Last year weren't there some signings still being announced a couple of days after the deadline? I believe as long as the clubs/players agree on everything it does not have to be fully completed before 6pm (obviously because some players could be anywhere in the world (and that includes plymouth)
  11. Their total wages probably come to less than his as well . . . . .
  12. What I wouldn't give for Gyan to reject their personal terms and then come over to us on loan
  13. I would love to see Tshabalala sign for us today . . .
  14. According to SSN Jenas is rumoured to be coming back. . . . . . . pfft this Fish Bowl is too frickin big for him IMHO
  15. I remember people wanting enrique out when he first came here . . . . .
  16. I feel a bit sorry for Raylor too but after seeing Perch a few times last season (albeit on the box) I believe he can only get better. Yeah ok so he has made some silly errors BUT lets give him a bit of a chance here, whats her played now? 3 premier league games in his entire career?
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