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Everything posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. That was Quality! I quite liked Anelka's against us in the Carling Cup.
  2. I really think this guy keeps getting better! I did not go to the gamne today (unfortunately) but I did have the pleasure of viewing it in my living room via SS! Sam Allardyce pretty much summed KN up he said that as a CM he is ok but his positional play and awareness in the box are superb. Today IMO KN showed everyone what he can do everywhere. He was good in attack (obviously) but i thought he got back well and defended superbly (especially the point where Newcastles defence just stood there for a second and watched the ball right by the penalty). He was just so calm.
  3. I love Barton and have a Tiny Man Crush on him. I think he has matured into something far better than people thought he would and he is really letting his Football do the talking BUT his free kicks and corners still need a bit of work IMO
  4. Is there any update on recovery time etc?? It feels like an age since it happened :-[
  5. I still LOL at the very first post in this topic!
  6. I am with Neesy on this one. Its actually quite expensive to go to lots of Home games so I try and sneak 4/5 in per season if I can (and if I have the time/Money). Kent to Newcastle is a bit of a bitch journey but hey It Is ALWAYS worth it as I have never seen them lose at SJP! I try and get to all the London Away games if I can (and if tickets are available) but this season, so far, I havent been to any as I have been working my ass off.
  7. Despite the *Harsh* result I thought the boys did well. Vuckic and Ranger definitely need some game time - Maybe a loan or something. Controversial point this may be BUT i thought Perch had a reasonably good game.
  8. I went to the West Ham v Newcastle Match 2 seasons ago and Newcastle played then, Like West Ham did this weekend. Didn't appear to have any fight or anything. It is looking pretty dire for them. In addition, Newcastle didn't really turn up yesterday yet still won...... Its that sort of form that wins Leagues
  9. Anyone got a link for this because all I can find is the story about him rearranging saylors jaw!
  10. I am happier at the result but I am still fuckin worried about the rest of the season...........
  11. This club does my head in. Just as things start to look up it all goes fuckin pear shaped! What happend to Fortress St James?
  12. Classic Moment (wasn't it Milner he had?) Anyway,I got to admit, when i see this guy play my pants Tighten. He is sooo confident on the ball and his awareness is superb. A new favourite me thinks.
  13. I second that............. The Luck which we had yesterday just bought back horrible nightmares of our relegation season . . . . . . .
  14. I am Gutted about this but 'Surely' we still ahve the option to buy him regardless. I was under the impression that the club HAD to buy him if he played 25 games.......
  15. I cant frickin believe arsenal are getting their asses handed to them. Maybe it would be better for us in the Carling Cup if Arsenal fielded their 'First' team!
  16. I saw him play on tv the other day (Braga I think) and he really sucked Ass
  17. Jenas - I was wrong. I honestly thought he was going to be superb for us. Smith - I thought he would be good for us but sadly I was wrong.
  18. I was one of the Collo Doubters too when he first signed, just goes to show how things can change. As for Enrique, I can remember people calling for his head but he has just got (and keeps getting) better and better.
  19. I love reading old posts in threads like this How everything can change in just 1 year. I agree with what has been said by others, He is one of my favourites at the club right now (and always has been if i am honest as i used to sign him in Football Manager 2000 or whatever it was) because he was Mustard!
  20. It's already a 2 horse race between us and Man Utd. 3 horse - Arsenal as well . . . .
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