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Everything posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. Ok here is my take on it! As much as Ashley has done some pretty Frickin stupid things since he took over (Keegan, Wise, Xisco Fiasco's to name a few) I for one never saw him as an 'enemy' of the club. I have bever thought for ONE minute that he was out to destroy the club as it is his busines and he needs to protect his investment. As much as it would be nice for a Nulti Billionaire Oil rich Sheikh to come in and do a Man City and just buy everyone it does not make business sense. If you look at what happened at Chelsea, they spent loads of money but Chelsea as a club did not make any money and as much as we all don't want it to be this way Football is mainly about money now however Money cannot buy you success. As far as Man City go I do not believe for one minute that the owner has got the club in his heart I believe it to be a toy thing. Ashley built up a business related to sports and then one day decided to buy a football club and he was pretty Naive when it cam to the initial running of the club. Things were not going well, we had spent a lot of money on crap players and we were on a downward spiral and Ashley took over as he saw potential. After all the City LOVES football and although I am not from there every time I go it is an incredible experience for me to see people so passionate. I think that the things Ashley and Co have done so far are encouraging. The club is no longer buying players for silly money. They are being wise and since the whole Xisco thing I have been happy with players bought/loaned (apart from Khizanishvili). It is obvious he is trying to be like Arsenal (but they have a 10 year head start on us) but I really think that the stability the club has now is definitely a plus point and the club can move forward with confidence. It is not a case of me forgiving them, it is a case of me having more confidence in them now!
  2. Positives A much needed Point away from home. Negatives The ref and Wolves Discipline!
  3. Remember Boys We Signed HATEM BEN ARFA So lets keep the chins up . . .
  4. www.nufc.co.uk Am i being thick, I cant see where i can listen to it?
  5. Where can i listen to the commentary online? I have got crappy talksport on now and it sucks ass!
  6. Can someone change the title of this thread to show his number?
  7. Was John Mckirrick wearing a Newcastle Shirt in Last Nights BB? Maybe that was HBA's inspiration to come here!
  8. I have creamed my pants!
  9. +1 After all the ups and downs that the club has had over the last 10 years or so I think it is fair to say that this week is right up there. Long may it continue!
  10. I am a bit dissappointed that Kaizero went to all that hard work on that Video about HBA signing for Bremen though
  11. I'm sooooo happy, My mrs is gonna get Tea-Bagged later.
  12. I say bring it on . . . . . . . . . it's only Chelsea after all! If the fixtures are to be played w/c 20/09/10 that means Chelsea will have played Blackpool before and are due to have Manchester City AWAY the game after so anything could happen IMO!
  13. Yeah Yeah. Suppose you are going to tell me you worship dog next . . . . .
  14. Rather be a swearlifter than a shirtlifter Fail. It's swearFILTER not Swearlifter
  15. Lets hope it's not still going in 10 years time like Big Brother though. aye Fingers crossed! On a more serious note, IF we do sign Barfa I really hope he doesn't bring a bad attitude into the place. The team seem to have quite a bit of spirit going on atm and i would hate to see that wrecked.
  16. I am hooked on this thread its really not healthy and i am missing Big Brother
  17. I wonder if 'The Club' will do what they did with tiote and tell people we have signed him just before the game tomorrow?
  18. That made me laugh something chronic!
  19. Looks like a cross between Peter Crouch and Super Hans. Super Hans FTW
  20. [me=ToonFaninKent]has a coronary[/me]
  21. Is it me or is everyone waiting for something to go wrong?
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