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Everything posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. Sounds like there is a certain degree of 'Phishing' goign on with that statement. Sounds to me like HBA is callilng ALL the shots on this one!
  2. If he goes to one of the 'Big Four' I WILL be dissappointed as we could have had him!
  3. Once again Skjelbred has been linked with us . . . .
  4. If it is Spurs HBA has probably got a big brown envelope with 'To Ben, Love from Uncle Harry' written on it with a copious amount of cash and maybe some blood diamonds in it.
  5. Didn't I see Spurs linked with him somewhere?
  6. Shame we missed out on Gary Hooper really . . . .. .
  7. Some reports in the French Media (Luis Fernandez) says that HBA should NOT be selected for the first team until he has sorted out his 'Situation'! (i.e playing/training regularly). Maybe this will force his hand one way or t'other
  8. Who is this Ben Arfa geezer anyway?
  9. Where have you seen that? This was mentioned weeks ago but nothing came of it. SSN
  10. RUmour Mill is off again, Have just seen that 'Leroy Fer' is close to signing
  11. Do we NEED this sort of shit at our club?
  12. I thought he wanted out of england?
  13. Could he get in the squad after the arrival of tiote and the manner of todays performance?
  14. LOL, DIdnt you post that after someones comment about how realistic everyone was being in their predictions of 1-1 etc?
  15. - Good Point! [Re-Phrase]Does this mean everyone hates Ashley less now? [/re-phrase]
  16. Brilliant how this has become a hot topic and no-one has posted in the Barfa thread for nearly 2 hours Does this signing mean everyone Loves Ashley again?
  17. I don't think Football Manager is anything to go by, after all Patrick Kluivert was great on there around the time we signed him . . . . . . . . . . . Thats the kind of stats we should be looking for . . .
  18. Let's ask that Dassier bloke from Marseille. He probably knows. FUNNY! Lets start a thread off about this guy and see if we can get to 300 pages
  19. SSN have a story just come up saying that CH has CONFIRMED that Check Tiote is on the Radar! On the radar? Did he just see a clip of him on youtube or something?
  20. I have heard on the grapevine that we might be signing Hatem Ben Arfa from Marseille. Not too sure if there is anything to be read in that rumour though . . . ..
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