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Everything posted by Cunning_Linguist

  1. It seems ginger jack will always be hated. Good summary, thought cisse was a bit pony at times but did have his good times, hknesyly thought Ibertan was going to pass out after he crossed the ball for the second....
  2. Finally just managed to watch the game. Pretty fucking excited about wijnaldum and sissoko to be honest, but jury's out on the others right now... To save looking through the entire thread, what's the general consensus about yesterday?
  3. I am happy with this. When he is playing well he is one of the most valuable players in the team imo....
  4. That was an absolute train wreck of a game. 3 goals in 11 minutes and wasn't Cacapa subbed after 18 minutes and replaced by Rozenhal iirc? I miss those days...
  5. Congratulations, Next I want you to learn your Times Table
  6. That was the bit I liked the best... He is like some Football Version of Heisenberg....
  7. Hopefully Mclaren has chosen shit team selections in Pre Season just to confuse the Southampton Scouts....
  8. Go out for a walk FFS! Be happy! I CANNOT believe you just said that you WUM
  9. Can't believe people are moaning about the play.... It's a friendly FFS people. Did you expect Beautiful flowing football and crunching tackles?
  10. Just go down the night before and go to "Wiggles" and "For Your Eyes only"... Sorted!
  11. Can he do anything wrong right now.....?
  12. Love this guy just for this....
  13. How about 12 million + Williamson + Gouffran + Marveaux ...
  14. "Alan Pardew knows how to win premier league games".... FFS Man... Is this video real....?
  15. Tbf, Showing a video of Williamson would probably grant some lesothan Sunday League division 4 reserve player a Visa.
  16. Geez Mcleish has let himself go a bit, Podgy Cunt...
  17. Williamson and Obertan would be ideal for a club looking to get promoted..... Like Luton
  18. You think? Keep popping in to see if this b****** has signed yet, and all I am seeing is a constant stream of Stock, Aitken and Waterman wannabee b******s spouting utter wallop all over the place. Absolute aids. Might check out the "lets while away the hours making up songs" forum, see if they have any news on Mbemba. On that note... Do do do Mbembas from the Congo....
  19. Cool Bloke, and unusually short for a world class central defender [/mbemba]
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