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Everything posted by nufcjb

  1. My thoughts too! The last few days, when hearing about the game, I thought with it being in Cardiff, it was the Millenium. Only this morning, tuning into SSN did I notice they were training and will be playing at the Cardiff City stadium! How much did Vincent Tan pay to get the game played there?
  2. I don't know about others but I feel we are missing out on doing something massive for this Sunday. It's the first game of the season, the champions are in town, Sky cameras are here, and the whole media of the nation would be there too. I feel the fans can make a big statement on their dislike towards Pardew for continuing to be the incompetent bastard that he is. Drop going against the board for a while as they have done some part of their job during the summer but this silver hair cunt continues to spew shit and his treatment of HBA is apalling. We need to get something ala Cardiff going even beforea the first kick of the ball.
  3. Hope the cunt gets massive abuse on Sunday. Despise him so much. #takeoverSJP #getPardewout
  4. Hahaha. Fuck off Puma. We're so shit to not even look for better options so we stick with them. I'm glad I wasn't having wet dreams of us with nike or umbro or even wishing we get Sondico next like some we doing. Always had a feeling we could get an extension with fucking Puma.
  5. At a time when Man U and adidas sign the most lucarative kit deal in history, let see how much Puma and us will announce.
  6. So I guess we will wear those white shorts and socks for the Sunderland away game. back to black and white shirts for the derby away game. Nice We were wearing black and white shirts with black shorts and white socks last season weren't we?
  7. nufcjb

    Remy Cabella

    HBA MKII- Pardew fuck off you twat
  8. Would rather have us get Grenier than Zaha tbh.
  9. Hope we don't rush him for the City game and risk him aggravating the injury and missing more games.
  10. Knew this was coming. Just didn't understand why so many on here were already having wet dreams about us getting nike or umbro and even some were plumming for sondico to takeover from Puma ffs. Our contract ending with them doesn't mean they can't or won't extend it. Tbf, if Puma are willing to give us something better like the kit we had on today instead of the garbage they have given us over the years, then I wouldn't be so fussed about it unless anyone else has an offer for us too.
  11. Has anyone did a mock-up of the home kit with the black wonga logo? Does it make any difference? Wonga still is shit mind
  12. nufcjb

    St James' Park

    Would probably make the night games much 'brighter' on tv.
  13. How long is De Jong out actually? What's the injury?
  14. Wait till they takeover the Champions League from next season.
  15. How were they doing towards the end of last season? Can understand the decision if they were doing badly. But if they were basing it on what happened yesterday, then that's drastic.
  16. nufcjb

    Epic NUFC photos

    Footballers today are massive softie cunts
  17. I don't want him moving to Everton or any Prem club and tearing the league up only then to have Pardew sacked. If he was to move there, I'm praying he gets a hattrick against us at SJP, doesn't celebrate out of respect to his former loyal fans only to go on a Ketsbaia like celebration infront of the cunt in the dugout!
  18. Is there one there too? If they have updated the tunnel area, hope the colours don't wear off in the winter. Always preffered to be 'non-coloured' seeing how shit the club has taken care of SJP.
  19. In that video, towards the end, there was a shot of the club badge. I'm thinking it was on the tunnel exit area. It's coloured compared to the previous shiny silver one. Is it so?
  20. You should have! Tell me our lasses are not as bad as that?
  21. saving on the electricity to turn on the floodlights.
  22. If we really get rid of this cunt early on, who are we going to get to replace him? Anyone would be better than Pardew but anyone who would get the best out of these new group of lads immediately? God, I'm excited already waiting for the day Twitter goes into meltdown and the Skysports' yellow ticker goes on endlessly saying he's sacked. Cue a 3-2 win over the champions Live on Sky.
  23. The fact is, we should know the club better. There is no fucking guarantee that after selling a quality GK in Krul, we will replace him with a replacable quality. Knowing Pardew, you might get blob Elliot for the whole season. That would be a disaster!
  24. I was thinking I might have missed out on them signing a Croatian player I've never heard of or something. What's the point of having full player names but then having to shorten one of them to complete the fucking puzzle?
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