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Everything posted by nufcjb

  1. So the medical is now tomorrow? Better lock him doWn somewhere. He ain't going to get that illness healed with Arry and those scousers around. Might be in for a long 24hours if he is here already here. Need Jack Bauer here to counter any fret from Arry & co.
  2. Could see the King being under massive pressure if he doesn't have a good start to the season with all the new signings Ashley has given him to get
  3. Enner Valencia or Remy Cabella for the same price? If you're thinking future profit, there's only one player you would get.
  4. Our defence was already shit with what we had last season. When MYM leaves, and Saylor comes back, with no one in through door, it makes our other signings less significant
  5. My main worry would be us finding a CB. There hasn't been any solid talk about our interest in a CB. The striker situation is something Pardew would know he needs to address with his darling Shola gone.
  6. nufcjb

    Remy Cabella

    Put a tenner on him getting the number 4 shirt.
  7. nufcjb

    St James' Park

    They're all the way along, as they always have been in recent years edit: uness you mean the Leazes end, in which case they're on either side like the new Gallowgate ones I think No. I did mean the East stand. Because before this, even though it was all the way along, it was not noticeable as the new ones are. They put new ones one the Leazes and Milburn too? Ffs, there goes the money we saved on Shola..
  8. nufcjb

    St James' Park

    You got a picture of where the floodlights are mounted on the East stand? All along it or just in the corners like the Gallowgate?
  9. nufcjb

    St James' Park

    Let's play 'how many SD signs can you spot?'. The winner gets an exclusive SD mug!
  10. Krul having so much fun. Sad for him having to play behind Williamson and Tayloragaimw
  11. Krul will be absolutely gutted going from this much fun and getting a pat on the back from a class manager in Van Gaal to having to listen to shit spouted from Pardew and his fucking club Gk coach.
  12. Looks good but went up into the opposition area to asisst in the 92nd minute. Pardew won't like that.
  13. nufcjb

    Clément Grenier

    He's better on Fifa than Cabella for me.
  14. And to wait another 4 more years will be an absolute borefest going back to the nufc/Pardew shit..and there's no guarantee the next World Cup in Russia will be as spectacular as this one. Wonderful tournament it has been.
  15. nufcjb

    Remy Cabella

    We should get that quote on a banner for the opening game of the season!
  16. Wo..didn't realise it was West Brom. Thought it was the Scotland away kit or something..
  17. Time to test my MS Paint skills again I reckon http://i.imgur.com/bY9oc70.png Not that bad to be honest if it didnt have that massive box or it was just the size of that shit sponsor
  18. Could be a fucking good publicity stunt, though I'm clutching straws here Imagine: As a result of unprecdented demand and request and the excitement building towards the new season, the club have announced that it will bring forward the date of the new home kit sales by 2 weeks and will now be launched on 1 August 2014. The marketing team is made up of 1st classtgraduates from the University of Shitness.
  19. nufcjb

    St James' Park

    Well tbh, I love the stadium no matter how bad Ashley tries to make it look hideous. Sometimes I do feel SJP looks a bit dark during the winter or evening games. However, I also feel it seems brighter or better lit when the match is broadcast LIVE. Don't know if it has anything to do with the different cameras Sky use for Live matches and for the highlights but my eyes do sometimes notice this. Seem to remember the stadium was even more darker before the Leazes/Milburn redevelopment, especially during the early Premiership days. I think Old Trafford upgraded their lighting too not too far back. Before that, every night match that took place there look liked it was being played on a farm with the shit pitch they had too.
  20. Strong rumour it is but Friday is also rumoured but it's definitely out this week.
  21. More than likely our match against City on the opening weekend will be on Sky when the TV games are announced on Wednesday. With Debuchy gone, just need to sell Sissoko and Krul now and we might see more SJP protests but this time - AND IT'S LIVE!!!! in front of the whole country.. Really hope Pardew and the board gets massive abuse on that day though there will be plenty who will be cheering their tits off for Pardew..
  22. Aye, totally forgot that. Thought West Brom had some controversy about a no-stripes home shirt? Was there a leak?
  23. Who are the other teams along with us that haven't unveiled at least one of their kits yet?
  24. Is that gold or brown around the collar and sleeves? It's definitely s*** though
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