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Away Toon

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Everything posted by Away Toon

  1. Don't understand why anybody would want us not to get relegated so that under Bruce we can try not to get relegated again next season and finish 17th. This fucker needs to burn to the ground. And there is no fucking takeover and who knows whether he will sell it in the Championship, he hasn't while we were in the premier League either, before you come back with your pathetic excuses as to why we must stay in the premier league.
  2. The only good news so far is that Villa are nearly as shit as we are.
  3. I desperately for some reason want Fulham to hold on and take the three points. Mike Ashley what have you done to our club? That's a rhetorical question by the way before someone jumps in.
  4. This is a mid table championship game which is hopefully where both clubs will be next season.
  5. IMO until the piracy issue is fully resolved this takeover will never happen. Unless PIF can prove that they are free of the influence of KSA which is never going to happen this takeover won't happen. If the Saudi's are prepared to buy NUFC through an alternative company with other partners maybe this might happen.
  6. Showing my age a bit but i was at the FA cup game. Jinky Jimmy Smith and Tommy Cassidy having a stormer. Pitch was diabolical. great day out.
  7. well we deserve to be ahead not so much for the way we are playing but because Wolves are absolutely appalling.
  8. Posted in this subject as well. I absolutely as much as ever and maybe even more than when Pardew was manager, want us to lose and get relegated. Although one day there will be no doubt be a takeover I don't believe it's anytime soon and certainly not with the Saudi's involved. If ever someone deserves to have his investment devalued its the idiot who employed Steve Bruce in the first place and the same idiot who had left the useless twat in charge as we plunge down into the Championship. The only consolation from another relegation will be how much it will have cost our disgusting cancerous owner.
  9. I absolutely as much as ever and maybe even more than when Pardew was manager, want us to lose and get relegated. Although one day there will be no doubt be a takeover I don't believe it's anytime soon and certainly not with the Saudi's involved. If ever someone deserves to have his investment devalued its the idiot who employed Steve Bruce in the first place and the same idiot who had left the useless twat in charge as we plunge down into the Championship. The only consolation from another relegation will be how much it will have cost our disgusting cancerous owner.
  10. There will be a takeover one day as Ashley would like to sell the club, however that could be next week, next month, next year, in 5/10/15/20 years time who knows, so yes it is accurate to say there will be a takeover.
  11. Brighton deserve to get relegated for this performance, not as much as we do but fuck me they are awful at converting chances.
  12. Love watching Leeds, they are everything we should be. The closest any one has got to the Keegan teams in the 90's. They should be 3 or 4 ahead, it will probably end in a draw.
  13. Wrong and inaccurate. If the Reuben's had the heart on buying the club they would, they have plenty of money.
  14. Going back to Werner there was an extremely good article I read that went into depth about his finishing problems that he has apparently always had. He creates a massive amount of clear chances with his pace and anticipation but his technique when it matters lets him down. Here it is https://www.theguardian.com/football/2020/dec/25/chelsea-best-timo-werner-frank-lampard
  15. The yacht only went there because St. Barths is closed, you are grasping at straws.
  16. He gifted them both goals today. First one was a hilariously bad FK that lead to a Southampton counter and when he missed that sitter Southampton went up the other end and scored within a couple of minutes. It should’ve been 4-1 with us keeping 11 players on the field, but instead we were put under ridiculous pressure. He’s done in the PL. if he's done in the PL how come Bruce will pick him every game that he's fit as long as he's the manager. He's done implies he's not going to play anymore, he is, so is Hendrick, get used to it.
  17. Reading this thread back after the game has finished the amount of people posting shit in here who don't understand football is outstanding. Darlow to blame for both goals, Schar should have had a penalty when he injured himself, bringing Dummett on to replace ASM is stupid, if you don't understand the game at that level find something else to go and post your drivel about.
  18. Marseilles is brutal on owners, players and managers that under perform, with some serious groups of ultras not putting up with crap on any level. A pity that the supporters of NUFC have turned into a bunch of squabbling pussies unlike the radge bastards down there.
  19. Roy is not a particularly good manager anymore but he's way better than the idiot we have.
  20. Fairly easy in the end. There are very few good never mind consistent teams in the league this season. Everton were abysmal.
  21. Schar might not be the greatest defender but what a footballer when he's on it.
  22. I reckon we are going to go and win this, which means the fat fuck stays. Leeds are shite.
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