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Away Toon

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Everything posted by Away Toon

  1. Villa have turned into a really good team, great to watch as well. I think Roy's goose is cooked, relying on a bit of magic to keep you up isn't sustainable for ever.
  2. The twat's a journalist and he can't even write correctly. They are not improving not their not improving you gillipolla idiot.
  3. Does he fuck. He knew what he was letting himself in for when he signed, it's not as if we have just decided to play this way.
  4. He looks a much better player when he's further forward rather than being behind Shelvey half the time. He's also the only midfielder we have who looks like he might be able to score a few apart from his brother.
  5. Why? They are striving to get promoted and as soon as their managers turn to shit they get rid of them and try someone else. It's called ambition and they are not prepared to accept mediocrity and lack of success from the man in charge. Maybe we should try something similar.
  6. That's exactly what should have happened. Football is so fucked.
  7. I thought he was our best player today. Everyone was awful he didn't look at bad as some of the others
  8. I really really want us to lose, as much as I did under Pardew. Relegated and burned to the fucking ground.
  9. You can add Wilson to the bunch of diving cunts that play for us
  10. We are actually better than this version of Palace without Zaha. They really are terrible.
  11. Perfect on NBC Sports apart from what's unfolding on the screen.
  12. The day Steve Bruce gets sacked is the day that we have new owners or are about to have new owners. While he's employed and doing his very best to get us relegated it's not remotely close.
  13. If the teams at the bottom start winning and picking up points this is going to be glorious. Come on Burnley.
  14. So basically the house is no where near being sold so I'm not going to paint it, not going to carry out any repairs and I'm going to let the dog shit all over the garden.
  15. So if the club is about to be sold or sold before the end of the season can anyone explain why Steve Bruce is still our manager? He might suit Ashley who is a big enough stubborn idiot to gamble that the oaf won't get us relegated, but surely the potential new owners would have told the fat man to get rid of the fat manager, and get in someone to keep us in the premier league or his dreams of getting the best part of 300M are about to go down the relegation drain.
  16. Can i ask what it would take for you at this point to believe the Saudis are still at the table ? Maybe MBS riding down barrack road on a camel wielding his sword perhaps ? Actually don’t answer these questions I fucking despair. I was commentating on the article in the Telegraph which is just another entirely invented load of hogwash based on rumours, hearsay and the desperate ramblings of some hack who hasn't got a fucking clue what he is writing about. No problem with that, it's modern journalism, however that people believe it's the gospel truth that's the problem. I've no idea if the Saudi's are still interested in buying the club how would I, the last public comment they made was that they were out.
  17. The telegraph headline says they intend to make a bid and then in the article says they are likely to. It’s another piece of entirely invented journalism based on sweet fuck all
  18. I mean he is just another non entity of a footballer like Hendrick. Probably be our best midfielder.
  19. Away Toon


    So despite all the hyperbole, England are still shit with an even shitter manager.
  20. Perez might have been one of our better players though he was extremely inconsistent for us, at Leicester he's hardly good enough to sit on the bench and at the end of the season they will probably try to move him on.
  21. OGS is doing a fantastic job and you nasty bastards need to leave him alone. Long may his reign continue.
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