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Away Toon

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Everything posted by Away Toon

  1. Lewis, Longstaff and Murphy have all been solid to good.
  2. Of course it is, and if the Saudi's buy us we'll be in it.
  3. Correct me But the fact you feel the Saudis have to compromise and the PL need bigger balls to tell the big 6 what to do is exactly why Ashley and fan groups threatening legal action will be huge. The PL rejected our takeover in ways that wasn't legal. That definitely matters. Correct me if I'm wrong but from everything I've read the PL never rejected the takeover never mind it being illegal, they asked for additional information about the make up of the proposed directors of the potential purchasers buying the club which the Saudi's apparently declined to do.
  4. He’s well traveled enough at this point for location to not be an excuse and that league is a load of toss. He should be doing better there. I’d love to have him back at the club because I think he gets it here but am also realistic enough to know he’s not been meeting his own standards there. If the league is a load of toss then I imagine he's inherited a load of toss too, especially with the restrictions in place. I don't think anyone has said he isn't meeting his own standards. I'd also imagine him being 'well travelled' is a lot easier in Western Europe than moving to China To suggest he should go to international management because of one poor move seems mad Well actually two bad moves in a row, managing Ashley's NUFC being marginally worse than some no hopers in China
  5. There are a lot of pages in this thread without there being any progress at all towards there being a takeover. Fan groups and Ashley writing nasty letters and threatening the PL with legal action will do nothing. For this to go through the Saudi's will have to compromise big time and the PL will have to grow big enough balls to tell the big 6 that they are going to approve the takeover. Neither are ever going to happen.
  6. I've always though Sterling was shite and nothing he ever does will convince me otherwise. He's quick I'll give him that.
  7. Who is Lawrence? I’ve been out of the UK for far too long or not long enough depending on your viewpoint
  8. Won't he have to quarantine for 14 days when he gets back from whichever Covid hotspot he's been playing in?
  9. Leeds look way better coached and organised than City
  10. That's probably because nobody considers themselves to be a c***. I think you need a time out or a temporary ban to go and learn some manners. No it's because nobody has a logical answer. Have you got one? Because we want this version of NUFC with Ashley and Bruce to burn to the ground and losing constantly and getting relegated will hopefully kick start the fire. Surviving in the premier league and fluking our way past Newport won't.
  11. That's probably because nobody considers themselves to be a cunt. I think you need a time out or a temporary ban to go and learn some manners.
  12. Well at least he was honest about how ridiculous our penalty was.
  13. Our best player and MOM is our much maligned Brazilian #9.
  14. Pity for Leeds that they didn't manage at least a point, they deserved one. They'll finish higher than us.
  15. Most of us have been saying for years that you shouldn't play Shelvey in a midfield 2, so maybe at last someone's cottoned on to the fact.
  16. I would have thought its a 433. Not surprised Almiron has been left out, we will be solider with 3 in midfield, and his finishing is appalling.
  17. Nice to see a team with a distinct identity, play aggressive attacking football while remaining tactically aware. Leeds even more so than Liverpool. I can finally understand the huge hype around Bielsa. He's not Bruce though.
  18. The PL have 19 clubs who are probably not in favour of the takeover with a lot of financial and legal aid available f the PL need it. The one that's fucked is us, I'm pretty sure that there is no way Ashley can do anything to get PIF accepted by the PL, unless PIF decide to answer the questions they were asked and cooperate.
  19. Away Toon


    Both England games have reminded me of watching us last season. tepid, boring, dull, useless, pick your own adjective.
  20. Away Toon


    Unbelievable and not because a couple of young lads tried to get some Icelandic
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