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Everything posted by LFEE

  1. I've nowt against him, really. When they blatantly time-shift his commentary, as they did today, he still sounds alright. (Is that libellous?) Spot on... Unlike Roger Thames...
  2. 1982-84 in particular.... World cup in Spain and the Euro's in France stick with me... Didn't used to be as stat oriented early in his career... Feel he's become a bit of a parody of himself... Especially a few year back when it was just stat after stat...
  3. Will we ever see the back of that goal... Probably not...
  4. At least he's stopped talking about the derby now...
  5. This and... Fixtures have fell quite kindly...and a little luck dare i say... Which you always need in football...
  6. LFEE

    Alan Pardew

    Canny interview on Football First... No BS... Fair assesment of the game... Same goes for MMc also to be fair...
  7. Yeah... Thought he had a canny 1st half and stretched them... Started the 2nd half badly with a ill advised back flick which AP clearly bollocked him for... Still think we should persevere with him as he's hardly played for 3 year... Hope he knows this is his big chance though... Sometimes his body language would suggest he doesn't...
  8. Pleasingly the season has went the way you would hope (and surpassed in many ways) as in when you go through the fixtures and with a mixture of heart and head predict how many points you'd have at this stage... We've not had "a Blackpool" result yet if you get what i mean... Looking at late October and November it's not going to get any easier for a while mind...
  9. LFEE

    Leon Best

    I thought that too... Pleasantly surprised... Obertan was interviewed through the week and was asked if he was the fastest at the club and he surprised me when he mention Leon Best was up there alongside him... Thought he was joking TBH... Jonas is also deceptively quick once he gets into his stride...
  10. LFEE

    Alan Pardew

    Well summarised. Not sure if playing 5 in midfield would of helped that much today as it was being bypassed for most of the game...
  11. Yep... Still think about it today... If ever a club's destiny/downfall could be pinpointed with one moment... Then that is still the one for me... Should of just let the ball go out for a throw beside their corner flag... Meanwhile... Several years later...
  12. LFEE

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I'm such a tosser. Wasn't there something said on Total Sport a couple of days back by one of the journalist's that each mention was going to raise £20 for the SBR foundation...
  13. LFEE

    U23s & Academy

    Who scored them?... ranger and mcdermott Thanks...
  14. LFEE

    U23s & Academy

    He played left back. Thanks... Will be interesting to find out which flank he plays tonight...
  15. LFEE

    U23s & Academy

    Can anyone tell me if Santon played LB or RB in his previous game for us?...
  16. They tried too but Corinthians couldn't even come up with the bond to guarantee the money later... People closer to the situation seem to think it was a PR stunt... They get their big TV money next year so let's see if they come back in for him... I wouldn't hold my breath unless City are giving him away almost...
  17. LFEE

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Like s**** is it! I only cross the bridge for 2 reasons, work and football, Gods Own Country has everything else i need. I agree... Gateshead basically is Newcastle...
  18. Anyone know where I could find the 60min highlights?... Was away and the Sky+ app on the iPhone only let's you record the program without the match choice so always stuck with screen 1 when recording this way...
  19. PM me when prices announced etc... Might be able to help you out...
  20. LFEE

    La Liga

    The Rambles of Neil Monnery Another pointless voice in the vast ocean that is the interweb. The curious case of Mark Bolton Up until a few weeks ago Mark Bolton had been the front man for Spanish Football on Sky Sports. He had been in the position for six years and he had something that wasn’t exactly the norm within the company – an opinion and a personality. That has seemingly ended his stint with Sky. On twitter he posted on June 3 ‘After 6 years the season just past will be my final one presenting Spanish Football for Sky Sports. I will not be renewing my contract.’ and would go on to use twitlonger to further he message: Mark Bolton will not be renewing his contract at Sky Sports. After 6 successful and enjoyable years presenting Spanish football for Sky Sports, this past season will be my last. My current Sky contract expires in August and I will not be renewing it. Spanish football enjoys greater popularity now than ever and whilst sad to leave a product for which I have great affection, I am proud to have played a significant role in its development over the past few years. I am grateful to Sky Sports for their support in allowing me to do so. Having expressed a long felt desire to take on new challenges, I have concluded these will be more successfully pursued outside of Sky Sports. I wish the team every success. Mark Bolton. All seems fair until he posted this on June 22, ‘Sky Sports told me Im (sic) “Very talented & excellent on screen” but that Im (sic) “Anti-authoritarian” & that they’d decided to not renew my contract.’ So basically they didn’t like his attitude and wanted rid of a potential troublemaker within the company. Well that is their right of course but it seems clear enough that they would prefer a bland ident-i-kit presenter to someone with a bit of spark and that is a shame. As someone who has been labelled as similar in the past I can see his frustraition. Sometimes you can’t fight the regime even when you are right. People do not like to be told when they are wrong – certainly by people who they are paying – and the ability to know when to shut up is one I might not possess either. There is a fine piece over at WSC entitled A rare good broadcaster leaves Sky Sports which is right on the money. Whilst I don’t put Mark Bolton up in James Richardson’s class – Bolton had something. Now we are left on Sky with Stelling (who is fine but not anywhere near as good when taken out of the Soccer Saturday studios), Jones (who is fine but nothing special) and Chamberlain (who seemingly in my eyes is the best of the three). I haven’t included Shepherd as he’s just not up to it, seemed a strange hire from the start and he just doesn’t fit. So what will Sky do? They have yet to announce if they intend to hire from within in the football presenting team to replace Richard Keys full-time and now they have the Spanish football job available too. Will they continue with the status quo on EPL games with the current mis-mash of Jones/Chamberlain or will they give one of them the main EPL job and the other Spanish football? My fear is that Ed Chamberlain will be the new face of Spanish football on Sky with Dave Jones being the main EPL anchor with Ben Shepherd doing the odd game when needs be. All in all the whole Sky Sports Football output has gone downhill in the past year. Losing Ian Darke to ESPN in the United States was the first blow then Keys and Gray whilst not being everyone’s cup of tea were well known and consistent. The parade of co-commentators since Gray has left has been bewildering and the yo-yo of Jones and Chamberlain as the face of the channel’s most important and iconic sport event has not sat well. To be honest I’m disappointed in Sky with how they have dealt with the whole football department in the past six months or so. You have to hope Mark Bolton turns up somewhere soon and that Sky Sports can get their house in order sooner rather than later.
  21. LFEE

    La Liga

    Early days but Minto looks wooden and far less knowledgable... Thought Bolton was up there with James Richardson as one of the best...
  22. LFEE

    La Liga

    I miss Mark Bolton on Sky... Thought he was quality... Wonder where he will end up...
  23. R.E.M. have split... My favourite band and always in the car for away games...
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