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The Merse

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Everything posted by The Merse

  1. Thought he gave us a good out ball today and put them on the back foot - the boy makes good runs
  2. The Merse

    Shola Ameobi

    Tired in the second half and his touch suffered - ranger could have had an extra ten mins for me
  3. Showed a lot more today and went past Cole a few times - linked defensively with simpson to good effect - still needs to go at the defender alot more
  4. Guthrie was ok until he ran out of steam (after 30 mins of each half) - thought routledge was decent and Saylor and Sol were excellent - chelsea are a class act just so quick to press and close down but, hell, I would have taken a point before the game - although we were overpowered at times through the middle it would have been terrifying to watch Mikkel and Ramires waltzing past Nolan and Smith - we did well
  5. For someone who couldn't get a game for Portsmouth? Wake up. Didn't he not play for Portsmouth because they'd have had to have paid an extra instalment on the deal they did for him with Watford? Aye they couldn't afford to trigger the remaining fee by him playing, hence, he never got a game - to me he is a slightly better version of andy o'brien - he has done ok and before the recent problems he was part of a very efficient defensive unit - good team man but nee franco baresi - type of player you need in a squad
  6. He's a comedy hero man. He would also be a great back up, as he can cover many positions and would be great to have when defending a lead due to his defensive capabilities and work rate. Would still get a lot of game time even if he weren't a regular starter. Wouldn't say that it is a priority to replace him though. Hes good....and funny. Lewis Mcugan
  7. No argument with the charge but how many times do other stuff not even get mentioned - everytime seems ours do - on motd usually
  8. I'll reserve final judgement on Taylor until he plays behind Tiote - he may look a really good - I hope he does - its true to say his positional sense was questionable last time in the pl
  9. Seems like there is some strife in the Chelsea camp -rumours of resignations etc. - maybe we could catch them on their uppers a bit like we did with Villa - saying that they were unlucky against Brum by all accounts
  10. The Merse


    He won't blood a youngster in case we get cuffed 5 - 1...........ohh
  11. Bargain of the season and if him and Carroll stay fit that could be the difference between PL and championship next season
  12. As highly as I rate Colo as a player he has struggled against the more industrial type of centreforward recently - Williamson has started to wilt a bit too which is also dissapointing - dropi n form? maybe but it might be a change is as good as a rest and Sol will do well - I wouldn't think he would stay fit for a prolonged period but you never know
  13. Too right - we have gone from being a dangerous hard to beat team away from sjp to this fuckin shambles and what is the factors that have changed? god help any defence with captain immobile and the invisible man infront of them like ours today
  14. Spot on - we were lethargic from the off and looked like conceding everytime the ball went in the box - we always start slowly but last night we paid a heavy price - agree totally on your view of fatties team - horrible, dirty twats - but expect the same from fulham
  15. Having just returned from the match I can confirm that Colocinni and Williamson were poor but were still better than Simpson who was really bad. The second goal could be attributed to both but I think Colo was more at fault and williamson took an elbow to the ribs
  16. Spot on - he was ridiculously good today
  17. This - coasted too much of the time with us
  18. Its alreet -four murphys and a bottle of red does impair the literacy a bit - but I still love Colo and willo however they are spelt
  19. I like Collocinni in the opposition penalty area as he always looks dangerous - but Williamson should always attack the ball in defensive positions with Colo to do the fancy stuff - whenever possible like
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