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Toon Hoser

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Everything posted by Toon Hoser

  1. Bienvenido Rafanta!! http://s24.postimg.org/75fnmsp4l/Rafa_1.jpg
  2. A terrible hire in the first place.
  3. Rafa Benítez, is this real life?
  4. Red shirts with loads of white trim is Swindon's signature look.
  5. Pellegrini looks like he can't be arsed anymore. Granted, it's how he usually looks.
  6. Should have just played the ghost of Darlington behind closed doors. Might have gotten the same result, mind.
  7. Goal horns and fireworks.
  8. Ripping that blonde cunt who had a go at people over Bowie yesterday.
  9. Wenger in the swan boat.
  10. Man City getting the Arsenal treatment? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CW8N4YNW8AAfLLw.jpg:large
  11. I like that this thread exists. Everyone will have differing opinions on this season... But the lovely part is simply That there is a now a common shared belief amongst us. Reminds me of something we all experienced not that long ago when Stevie G tumbled over that errantly long blade of grass. Life is just so much damn better when this feeling emerges from watching Liverpool fail again.
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