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Toon Hoser

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Everything posted by Toon Hoser

  1. Internazionale face fine over reported racial abuse of Mario Balotelli Sad.
  2. That might be the first TFC shirt I get. Their shirts always had dull grey bits that looked cheap.
  3. Toronto FC soccer team. http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/3018/torontofc2013.jpg
  4. The other dude's aqua & orange boots are arguably worse.
  5. Photos seem odd. Wouldn't the photographer straighten out the shirt before taking two photos? Did he have to hurry because he could hear the german shepherds approaching? Maybe a "professional leak", then.
  6. At the very least, this squad should be capable of felling enough tall hardwood trees to fashion a sturdy vessel, stitch together old kits for sails, sail to Norway, raid various port villages and bash some skulls. It’s payback for all that Viking bulls**t. The relaxed, unsuspecting Norwegians will never see it coming.
  7. Houghton and Pardew both dress classy, no complaints with either. Surely someone's had a word with Wenger about that giant bag? It must be his functional German half stubbornly dominating his stylish French half.
  8. The New York Times looks at manager fashions: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/09/sports/soccer/premier-league-soccer-coaches-struggle-with-fashion.html?hp&_r=1&
  9. 18 Villa 19 Reading 20 QPR Wigan pulls a houdini in the final weeks.
  10. Arsenal's defenders all chasing the ball like 6 year olds.
  11. I love those Arsenal 3rd kits. Mustard & Burgundy.
  12. If the official Liverpool shirts end up looking even remotely like those, I reckon Warrior is doing its utmost best to never get a football contract again.
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