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Everything posted by Norseman

  1. Norseman


    What a ludicrous way to get relegated :lol:
  2. Norseman


    Newcastle fan posted that pic of them celebrating our relegation, kind of destroys their argument really. Cringy af that pic. I'm not local, but Sunderland fans do seems really weird. Wonder how many of those in the picture attend their games nowadays Many of them looks like they are the happiest they have been in years, and they probably are. Sad bastards
  3. Incredible turnaround from him. How has this happened
  4. Fulham have been very poor from what I saw of the first half.
  5. Norseman


    Relax, they are down ?
  6. Norseman


    No way they stay up. Some right manbabies on here ?
  7. Norseman


    Sunderland retain it as they were the last winners. Friendship trophy top dogs!
  8. When did we last win 3 in a row in the premier league?
  9. Very worrying how easy we give up leads. We could have really needed three points today. There will be a lot of pressure on us now, and I doubt our players can handle that pressure.
  10. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/12/31/2451A14900000578-2892368-John_Carver_could_take_over_at_Newcastle_job_until_at_least_the_-a-32_1420026222910.jpg
  11. What is this guy doing atm anyway? Just wasting his career with PSG reserves?
  12. I'm sure most keepers can make a good highlight reel. They don't show when they f*** up though It's true, a highlight reel just showing sprawling saves can be very misleading. We'll see - I'm happy about the potential of this coming off though Yeah. Hopefully he can improve on what we have in the position currently.
  13. I'm sure most keepers can make a good highlight reel. They don't show when they fuck up though
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