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Everything posted by Ginola

  1. He was pretty much the best English attacking player in the league, back end of last season. Of course he's ready to start
  2. I've got Alba and he didn't get +/- for the goals. It's a complete fuck up, like
  3. From the scoring system, defenders are supposed to get -1 point for every 2 goals conceded but that's not been taken off by the looks of it. No idea how Pique would have ended up on 10 though
  4. James Rodriguez FGS 2-0 Colombia @ 45/1
  5. Every Man Utd fan is going to be frothing at the gash about van Gaal after that
  6. My choice of defenders so far has been terrible, one's scored an OG and the other conceded 5. Might hoy in an Algerian instead
  7. Best bit of defending all game so far there, from Marquez
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