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Everything posted by ExiledGeordie

  1. That leaked "letter" was ridiculous ? If you're going to do a deal, just do a deal ffs
  2. If this window and lack of takeover pans out as it appears it is, I'm probably approaching the "I'm done" stage quicker than I thought. While Rafa is there I'll show some interest and support but it's now less likely that I'll attend matches second half of the season. The whole situation is so pointless I just can be bothered anymore. While it's definitely different I've got other sports I follow too. Real shame and a total disaster from Ashley. I won't be back after Rafa has gone until Ashley has gone.
  3. This latest debacle is his crowning glory in my opinion. Actively shafting Rafa Benitez the best manager we could possibly hope for who isn't asking for millions whilst likely botching any takeover attempts due to his own greed and/or stringing everyone along. Furthermore there's every chance the club will sleep walk to its 3rd generation under his tenure due to the same age old fuck ups. Unbelievable and so utterly tragic
  4. Even the fat cunt might start taking notice of the league table now
  5. 100% this, it's just so boring. i'm not ready to give up hope until rafa has actually gone myself, once that's confirmed i'm taking the plug out of the socket Pulling the plug out is a great way of phrasing it?
  6. Our defence is strong, Rondon will score the goals needed if he stays fit and Rafa has the experience needed. As Midds says above it’s all a bit pointless though really isn’t it.
  7. Steve Howey saying something about he’s heard the prem league have been informed of a potential takeover and that there was an announcement originally planned prior to the Man Utd match.
  8. Excellent post Does amaze me that even though I understand fans find it nigh on impossible to stop going that they can't give up one match or even 11 minutes of one match to form something of a protest
  9. Probably best to avoid that station unless you want to end up in a full on rage ?
  10. What's the odds on him walking if they screw him this Jan? Would be still be liable to pay the club back because he's breaking the contract?
  11. This is essentially the main issue and has been for years under Ashley. We aren't a true sporting institution because we don't strive to achieve anything.
  12. Ridiculous dive but equally stupid to put his hand anywhere near Salah
  13. Rotating players during the busy Xmas period with fixtures in mind where a result is more viable, who'd have thought.
  14. January is going to be absolutely vital if only to give Rafa, players and fans a lift and early signings would really help with these tough fixtures coming up. No doubt the club will be utterly inept as always and assume everything is absolutely fine despite everyone knowing we're still teetering on the edge.
  15. You have to consider his belief and passion for the area first and foremost. He's managed (to a degree) to unite the fan base and give many something worth going to the match for. The complete lack of direction prior to his arrival with the likes of McClaren and Carver et al was absolutely dire. That said he isn't beyond criticism and is too negative at times especially at home. I genuinely believe that if he had the players in that he wants you just can't measure how much of a difference a proper striker, goal scoring speedy wingers, full backs who can attack and a full on proper number 10 would make.....especially at home. Sure we'd alsways be resolute and difficult to play against but we'd be able to be so much more expansive. Under the ridiculous circumstances he's working under I think he's doing an incredible job with what is a squad basically full of bang average players. He's barely had a penny to spend!! Very difficult too judge how he might/might not do with the utter shambles above screwing him ever window.
  16. We are approaching the end game, Rafa is sending out his final warnings to Ashley.
  17. It’ll be interesting to see what the fat fuck does if he blows this or has just fabricated it all. Rafa isn’t going to stay so what’s he going to do? If it’s more of the same in january it’ll virtually confirm Rafas departure (if he isn’t already off) God even those most passive fans might be stirred into action if there’s obviously no takeover or signings in januray.
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