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Everything posted by ExiledGeordie

  1. ExiledGeordie

    Paul Dummett

    Williamson shouldn't be anywhere near the side if Dummett is fit. One is reliable the other a complete liability
  2. Dummett should stay at centre half, keep Williamson the f*** away ffs At least we'll have the likes of Aaron's, Cisse and Janmaat back.....Christ possibly even De Jong.
  3. Incredible result at Hull.
  4. As it's clear Carver is beyond clueless I hope the players have had their own sort out amongst themselves. Carver's total incompetence doesn't excuse the fact the the majority of players simply aren't performing at anything approaching a professional standard. They need to turn out and give fucking everything tomorrow. A performance like last Saturday just isn't an option......if it happens then we're definitely going down.
  5. ExiledGeordie

    John Carver

    Going into such a crucial match and he comes out and makes such an utterly ridiculous comment. You couldn't make it up. Absolute cretin of a man and all the "I'm a Geordie", "worked with Sir Bobby", "bleed black and white", can't disguise his total and utter incompetence. You have to hope the players have had their own rallying meeting because this cock is doing his level best to take us down.
  6. This is barely an exaggeration. Scary. Couldn't agree more, he's that bad
  7. Means fuck all if he plays like he did on Saturday.
  8. ExiledGeordie

    John Carver

    I think we're going down if those two articles are true. Club is broken and Carver is incapable of getting anything from this team. See you in the championship.
  9. ExiledGeordie

    John Carver

    The absurdity of this is that there is no comparison between the cost of relegation and getting rid of the current coaching staff.
  10. This has been the thing that gets me too. He turns up to watch matches including some obscure away games........we're absolute dog shit. As Ian says below for a fraction of what comes in, we could be entertaining, crowd would be relatively happy and he'd still make buckets of cash, you could argue more than he makes now. And yet we stagger from one disaster to the next as if he's getting some kind of perverse pleasure out of it.
  11. Mackems are still in the shit big time with those last two away fixtures and given they play Leicester at home, those two will take points off the other. They need to beat Everton away really.
  12. ExiledGeordie

    John Carver

    What did they say? That they can never remember a manager previously making such a 'slanderous' claim against one of his own players, how the dressing rooms obviously lost, how Carver "being a fan" is all he goes on about and its not good enough. Be interesting to see how Williamson feels today, etc. About McClaren - just that he may be appointed today so god knows. Cheers. The financial ramifications for Ashley of turfing Carver et al out and replacing them pales in comparison to the ££££££ lost if we go down. Ashley is utterly clueless though so fuck knows what will happen.
  13. ExiledGeordie

    John Carver

    What did they say?
  14. Janmaat is a loss but Williamson isn't. Stick Dummett in next to Coloccini. We're utter dog shit but Williamson out of the side isn't such a bad thing. We do have the makings of a side destined for the drop sadly. The players look like they've pretty much given up.
  15. If a change is made this week I think we can get something out of West Brom and scrape through last couple games after that. If we don't (and I can't see how Carver can still be in charge) I think Weat Brom will turn us over and then it'll probably come down to the last game of the season.
  16. ExiledGeordie

    John Carver

    We have three games left two of which are home games where points are attainable..........if Carver is removed. The players as shit as they've been just need a tiny lift for these last matches and it's not going to come from this oaf.
  17. ExiledGeordie

    John Carver

    Has to be removed now if he doesn't step down. There's three games left and anybody will have a greater impact. As it stands we're more than likely to go down with him in charge. Bloke blatantly isn't up to it no matter what he says about how much he cares/being a fan etc. Position untenable really. Publicly slating players ffs
  18. ExiledGeordie

    John Carver

    The players are culpable but it's pretty clear absolutely none of them has any respect for this cunt
  19. Leicester will turn us over on sat, we'll buckle.
  20. Great stuff by Ashleyout.com! Love it
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