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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. Nope, he's got previous for that too. Except Rooney shagged them, Ranger mugged them.
  2. If I was a ref, before the game I would speak to both managers and captains warning them that if any player gobs off, they will get booked straight away for dissent. No messing. Do it again, and they're off. Only the captains could speak to me. Players are c***s and need treating as such. Problem is, top level refs have no leadership. I'll remind you of that next time a Newcastle player gets booked for dissent Not enough players get booked for dissent IMO. It should be like Ice Hockey where there is a blanket ban on non-captains speaking to the officials. It really boils my p*ss when players surround the ref. No need whatsoever. If at work, my blokes did that to me when I made an unpopular decision, I'd charge the c***s. (Obviously they wouldn't do that, because they are far, far more proffessional than footballers, so it's a bit of a moot point.) Very much agree with you actually- sadly I don't think there's the will at the top of the game though to enforce it. Because they are all corrupt, incompetent cunts.
  3. I hope he becomes brilliant but in the main he has been s*** and cannot handle big games, anyway a/s/l? What is a/s/l ?? Anal Sex Loving. He's asking to bum you. Report him. He should ask his girlfriend first, don't sure she let him do such a thing... You don't ask, you don't get. Gaffa tape can fix that issue..... Gaffa tape and about 15 cans of Skol.
  4. Yeah, I agree. Souness rightly takes a hammering for being a s*** manager, but the guy is an outstanding pundit - because he's not scared to offer a controversial opinion. I'm not saying that he always goes against the grain for the sake of it, because he doesn't, but when he thinks something he says it, and that's what you want really. Match of the Day's lot don't offer that. I also wish Lineker had more to do than read stats and make shitty wisecracks - he's wasted in the current role. Sky generally have better teams of pundits all round imo. Apart from Nasser, who always was a miserable boring w*****, they have always had a good cricket punditry team too. Much prefer coverage of the darts on Sky too. BBC's coverage is pretty w*** these days, of nearly everything sporting (certainly that I watch, anyway). As I type this, that boring dullard Manish and everyone's favourite day-tripping c*** Clem have just popped up on Ridiculously Late Goals show to completely prove my point about the Beeb. Even ITV's coverage of the lower leagues was better; Matt Smith at one ground with one camera doing the links between matches. None of this stupid half-arsed analysis and no mentally oversized hangar to present it from, and especially no texts and f***ing emails. Was even worth getting up Sunday morning and watching adverts - I preferred it to this waste of time on now. I can't stand the Sky football coverage. It's properly patronising and aimed at morons who know nothing about the game. I think the cricket coverage sorts itself out, because unlike football, the cricket stars of the past aren't rich, so need to do the TV piece. And cricketers are normally a bit brighter than footballers.
  5. I hope he becomes brilliant but in the main he has been s*** and cannot handle big games, anyway a/s/l? What is a/s/l ?? Anal Sex Loving. He's asking to bum you. Report him. He should ask his girlfriend first, don't sure she let him do such a thing... You don't ask, you don't get.
  6. That'll be Santa. He's a bit early this year. And all that chimney soot has given him a brain tumour, so ignore his annoying mannerisms and ill timing.
  7. I hope he becomes brilliant but in the main he has been s*** and cannot handle big games, anyway a/s/l? What is a/s/l ?? Anal Sex Loving. He's asking to bum you. Report him.
  8. If I was a ref, before the game I would speak to both managers and captains warning them that if any player gobs off, they will get booked straight away for dissent. No messing. Do it again, and they're off. Only the captains could speak to me. Players are c***s and need treating as such. Problem is, top level refs have no leadership. I'll remind you of that next time a Newcastle player gets booked for dissent Not enough players get booked for dissent IMO. It should be like Ice Hockey where there is a blanket ban on non-captains speaking to the officials. It really boils my piss when players surround the ref. No need whatsoever. If at work, my blokes did that to me when I made an unpopular decision, I'd charge the cunts. (Obviously they wouldn't do that, because they are far, far more proffessional than footballers, so it's a bit of a moot point.)
  9. Lee Dixon is a hugely boring c***. By far my least favourite of the MoTD punditry pool; Shearer is merely boring and a bit dim. Unless they do the unthinkable and bring some new blood in, it should be Hansen and Lawro every week. Lawro is irritating as f*** when he's co-commentating (nearly as bad as Mark 'Poor' Bright), but I quite like him as a studio pundit. Matty Holland would be a good addition imo, he's been interesting every time I've seen him. I'd say the same for Robbie Savage, who's class, but sadly he can barely string a coherent sentence together. Savage is a legend man! Did you see Graheme Swann and Lee Newton on Soccer AM this morning? Savage, Swann and Newton would be the best line up for MOTD analysis ever!
  10. Ranger'll be late for his own funeral, man.
  11. I hope he becomes brilliant but in the main he has been s*** and cannot handle big games, anyway a/s/l? 21/F/Paris. Come on man, get your cyber-stalking right!
  12. If I was a ref, before the game I would speak to both managers and captains warning them that if any player gobs off, they will get booked straight away for dissent. No messing. Do it again, and they're off. Only the captains could speak to me. Players are cunts and need treating as such. Problem is, top level refs have no leadership.
  13. Piece of piss man. 1. Go into ManU/City/Chelsea/Liverpool/m*ckem dressing room and collect large bribe. 2. Quickly book anyone who has a bit of a ruputation i.e. Joey Barton. 3. Do not give any decisions to anyone who isn't in the 'Sky Six'. 4. Assume that whenever Rooney/Gerrard/VdV/Drogba/Sagna goes to ground they were hacked and didn't dive. Give penalty. 5. Hide behind complete protection from FA against all critisism no matter how justified. Easy.
  14. Krul Raylor Saylor Coloccini New LB Tiote Cabaye Jonas Marveux Ben Arfa Sameobi Problem?
  15. My opinion is as good as fact. Everyone else's opinion = wrong.
  16. Why not give it a go then? Sort me out with a fixture to ref, and I'll do it. If I knew where you lived, I genuinely would. I reckon your opinion would change almost immediately. It's f***ing hard work! Nuneaton.
  17. Why not give it a go then? Sort me out with a fixture to ref, and I'll do it.
  18. No Fear make some mountain biking stuff. It is fucking pony. Wouldn't use that shit if someone gave it to me for free.
  19. Referees. Seriously. All of them. Corrupt and/or deeply inept. There are small children in Amazonian tribes yet to make contact with modern humans who could referee a game better than this bunch of bell ends. The sort of people who possess the magical combination of being completely shit at what they do AND who you would have bullied in the playground for being total twats.
  20. Won't happen. They have too many players to asset strip to service their debt. Wouldn't bother be if they did go down though, overachieving scouse mackems.
  21. f*** off is he. He's a potato headed w***** who's dying to get one over on us. Choosing songs and celebrations weeks in advance. Longing for the day he can rejoice with them inbred c***s in celebration of beating the team whose shadow they'll forever be in. I just see that as a desperate attempt to ingratiate himself with the S'land supporters. He knows that they instinctively hate him so he has to play up all that s***. Nah man, he's a fat manc m*ckem c*** who knows he has always been hated by true Geordies. He really is desperate to get one over on us seeing as we have serially embarrased the unwashed.
  22. It hasn't! The unwashed have 2 points from 9, we have 4 from 6, and 7 from 9 if we beat the titans that are Fulham.
  23. I really need to get a SMB account for trolling purposes! Hopefully we'll see a return to the inbreds record breaking season a few years back where they were uberloltastic!
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