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Everything posted by RupertCommunicator

  1. I think the people slagging him off either didn't watch the match, or haven't got a clue about football. He worked hard yesterday, him and Tiote often prevented Arsenal from playing the patient game they like. More importantly though, he has an eye for the killer pass, and was unlucky one of them didn't send one of our strikers through one on one. With him in our midfield, we looked alot more likely to play through balls rather than just humping the ball forward. Cabaye will be one of our key players this season.
  2. I think we need to bully them hard from the off. We can win this!
  3. If only both teams could lose. Dream situation - 22 man brawl resulting in all their first teamers getting 12 month bans and both clubs being docked 60 points.
  4. Sky will give ESPN free for three months if you ring up and ask nicely! I did it last night. Predicted/wanted line up: Krul Simpson Coloccini Saylor Jonas Barton Cabaye Tiote Marveux Ba Ameobi
  5. Surely he's fucked when the CCTV footage from the riots is released.
  6. I fucking hate the way Sky have a perma-hard on for those horrible wall pushing, murdering, corpse robbing, lying, cheating, gyro loving, thieving, self pitying, whinging ubercunts.
  7. Looks like I won'tbe drinking any piss then...
  8. Louise Taylor needs burning at the stake, the horrible m*ckem cunt.
  9. He's like Nile Ranger, but with the talent of an average striker.
  10. When City struggle, I'll be sure to quote those posts in May.
  11. City will be lucky to finish in the top four the way they played today. Scoreline flattered them due to two let ins. Negative football and a Manager who looks more Clueless by the day.
  12. You clearly aren't watching the same match as us. Bearing in mind the Championship has Forest, Cardiff, Leics, Bpool, Sheff Utd, Brum, Leeds, Pompey and Palace. There are plenty of teams who can beat WHam. would be a neat trick if they beat WHam being in League one and all I'm not going to deny it. You've got me bang to rights there. Meant Shampton.
  13. You clearly aren't watching the same match as us. Bearing in mind the Championship has Forest, Cardiff, Leics, Bpool, Sheff Utd, Brum, Leeds, Pompey and Palace. There are plenty of teams who can beat WHam.
  14. Considering this is two of the best teams, neither seems to be able to pass over any distance or chase any loose balls. Parker looks meh too, despite the commentators waxing lyrical about him. I fancy any of the PL sides would thrash either of these teams. The amount of wild passes and shots is just unreal.
  15. Which is why they are not playing in the PL.
  16. Considering Parker is supposed to be the secind coming, he royally fucked up that one on one there.
  17. Robert Green might be a shite keeper, but he's got a hell of a kick on him!
  18. If we formally put Harper into a coaching role, it takes the pressure off Tim, keeps Harps experience and allows Forster to go on loan.
  19. Can't beleive he hasn't sorted a loan for himself yet. What a total spaz spacker cuntard.
  20. Really hope he gets given the Number 1 jersey.
  21. Krul has to be number 1 Harper has to stay as a coach/backup and Forster just isn't ready yet. A loan to a high Championship or low PL team would do him wonders.
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